All Stories

  2. ‘Campus, Home, City: Laboratories of Change’, the Education or Sustainability Program of the University of a Coruña
  3. IV premio UDC sutentabilidade a traballos fin de grao e mestrado 2021
  4. Education Research Facing a Future Marked by Climate Emergency: Analysis of Recent Scientific Production
  5. Editorial: Transformative learning, teaching, and action in the most challenging times
  6. In Search of Transformative Learning for Sustainable Development: Bibliometric Analysis of Recent Scientific Production
  7. Education Research Facing a Future Marked by Climate Emergency: Analysis of Recent Scientific Production
  8. On the Nature of Quality in the Contexts of Academic Publication and Sustainability
  9. The Challenge of Global Environmental Change: Attitudinal Trends in Teachers-In-Training
  10. ¿Influyen las características personales del profesorado en formación en sus actitudes hacia una educación ambiental transformadora?
  11. Dealing with global environmental change: the design and validation of the GEC attitude scale
  12. Circular economy, sustainability and teacher training in a higher education institution
  13. Educar para el cambio y la sostenibilidad: Evaluación de una propuesta de aprendizaje experiencial para formar al profesorado en formación inicial
  14. How Can Teachers Be Encouraged to Commit to Sustainability? Evaluation of a Teacher-Training Experience in Spain
  15. "Transversalidad" de la transversalidad. Análisis de una estrategia didáctica aplicada a la educación para la sostenibilidad
  16. Training Teachers Committed to Climate Change Mitigation
  17. Climate Literacy and Innovations in Climate Change Education
  18. Attitudes of preservice teachers: Design and validation of an attitude scale toward environmental education
  19. Attitudinal Trends of Teachers-in-training on Transformative Environmental Education
  20. Tendencias actitudinales del profesorado en formación hacia una educación ambiental transformadora
  21. Basic Teacher Training Oriented Toward Sustainability: Why and How to Carry It Out Today?
  22. Going to action? A literature review on educational proposals in formal Environmental Education
  23. Evaluation of an Educational Model Based on the Development of Sustainable Competencies in Basic Teacher Training in Spain
  24. Consumo Sustentável nas Organizações: Abordagens Multimétodo de Estudo do Comportamento Pró-Ambiental no Local de Trabalho
  25. Teacher training in Sustainable consumption.
  26. Formación de profesorado en España orientada a la sostenibilidad: implementación y análisis de una ‘ecometodología’
  27. Agenda 21 and the ecological footprint as instruments to achieve a sustainable university
  28. Developing sustainable environmental behavior in secondary education students (12-16) Analysis of a didactic strategy
  29. Marco teórico y metodológico de educación ambiental e intercultural para un desarrollo sostenible
  30. Fondement et étude d’une stratégie méthodologique visant une éducation orientée vers la durabilité
  31. The Ideas of Spanish Primary Teachers on how to Develop an Understanding of Processes in Science and their Support in Textbooks