All Stories

  1. Wizard of Props: Mixed Reality Prototyping with Physical Props to Design Responsive Environments
  2. Exploring Information Challenges in Epilepsy Care
  3. "It’s like With the Pregnancy Tests": Co-design of Speculative Technology for Public HIV-related Stigma and its Implications for Social Media
  4. Trust, Reciprocity, and the Role of Timebanks as Intermediaries: Design Implications for Addressing Healthcare Transportation Barriers
  5. Payload Drones and ACI: Drone Navigation System Prototype
  6. Examining Mobility Among People Living with HIV in Rural Areas
  7. FashionQ: An AI-Driven Creativity Support Tool for Facilitating Ideation in Fashion Design
  8. Just In Time
  9. Understanding the Technological Practices and Needs of Music Therapists
  10. Not Another Medication Adherence App
  11. Movement Patterns as Enrichment
  12. Drone Delivery Service
  13. PuzzleWalk: A theory-driven iterative design inquiry of a mobile game for promoting physical activity in adults with autism spectrum disorder
  14. Meal Chat: Promoting Mealtime Social Interaction for College Students
  15. Conducting HCI Research with People Living with HIV Remotely
  16. Smart Habitat: A Wildlife Rehabilitation System
  17. Towards Rehabilitation Smart Habitats
  18. Barks & Rec
  19. Sociotechnical Systems of Care
  20. Conducting Research with Stigmatized Populations
  21. Design hotspots for care of discordant chronic comorbidities
  22. Defining Through Expansion
  23. Modern Bereavement
  24. Potentials of Smart Breathalyzer: Interventions for Excessive Drinking Among College Students
  25. Cross-Strait Frenemies
  26. Gendered design bias
  27. Impact of initial trust on video-mediated social support
  28. Understanding Volunteer AT Fabricators
  29. CompanionViz: Mediated platform for gauging canine health and enhancing human–pet interactions
  30. Teens Engage More with Fewer Photos
  31. Re-appropriating a question/answer system to support dialectical constructivist learning activity
  32. Comparative case studies of open source software peer review practices
  33. Engaging community members with digitally curated social media content at an arts festival
  34. Life After Weight Loss: Design Implications for Community-based Long-term Weight Management
  35. Revisiting Linus’s law: Benefits and challenges of open source software peer review
  36. Designing MOOCs as Interactive Places for Collaborative Learning
  37. Understanding Student Motivation, Behaviors and Perceptions in MOOCs
  38. Using Social Multimedia Content to Inform Emergency Planning of Recurring and Cyclical Events in Local Communities
  39. Generation Like
  40. It's Time There Was an App for That Too:
  41. Unequal Time for Unequal Value
  42. Understanding Local Community Attachment, Engagement and Social Support Networks Mediated by Mobile Technology
  43. Local News Chatter: Augmenting Community News by Aggregating Hyperlocal Microblog Content in a Tag Cloud
  44. A Web Service for Scholarly Big Data Information Extraction
  45. Enhancing community awareness of and participation in local heritage with a mobile application
  46. Exploring the ecosystem of software developers on GitHub and other platforms
  47. Towards community-centered support for peer-to-peer service exchange
  48. Supporting initial trust in distributed idea generation and idea evaluation
  49. Massively distributed authorship of academic papers
  50. Remote and alone
  51. Barriers to the adoption and use of personal health record systems
  52. GroupMind
  53. 5 Presence and Hyperpresence: Implications for Community Awareness
  54. Instructors as End-User Developers:
  55. Scenario-based Design of Technology to Support Teaching in Inverted Classes