All Stories

  1. Customer Experience across two countries
  2. Stakeholder pressures, CSR practices, and business outcomes in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands
  3. Stakeholder pressures, CSR practices, and business outcomes in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands
  4. Testing the cross-cultural equivalence of the Cultural Intelligence Scale
  5. A framework for innovative service design
  6. Corporate Strategy at the Corporate Level
  7. Measuring cultural intelligence (CQ)
  8. A circumplex model of the behavioural antecedents of unintended strategic alliance termination: a PLS-based analysis
  9. Managers’ risk propensity and destructive behavior in buyerseller relationships: an application of PLS analysis
  10. Bibliometrics
  11. Robust Imitation Strategies
  12. Don't Forget the Individual: The Effect of Individual Characteristics on Organization's Opportunism
  13. The Chinese version of a scale to measure cultural intelligence
  14. A New Metric of Brand Equity
  15. A Typology of Market Windows
  16. Research on the strategy of multinational enterprises
  17. The impact of cultural intelligence on communication effectiveness
  18. Service compris
  19. Cross-Cultural Anxiety Measure
  20. Cross-Cultural Communication Effectiveness Measure
  21. Cultural Intelligence Scale--Modified
  22. Robust Imitation Strategies
  23. Societal-Level Versus Individual-Level Predictions of Ethical Behavior
  24. Research on the Strategy of Multinational Enterprises: Key Approaches and New Avenues
  25. Integrity and Corporate Governance:
  26. Response Strategies in Strategic Alliances
  27. Measuring Cultural Intelligence across Cultures:Testing Cross-Cultural Equivalence of the CQ scale
  28. The Effect of Individualism on Opportunism Propensity in International Strategic Alliances
  29. Response strategies in an international strategic alliance
  30. Circumplex Response Strategy Scales
  31. A Twenty-First Century Assessment of Values Across the Global Workforce
  32. The perceived trade-off between corporate social and economic responsibility
  33. Responding to Adverse Situations Within Exchange Relationships
  34. A Twenty-First Century Assessment of Values Across the Global Workforce
  35. Corporate Level Strategy
  36. The antecedents of response strategies in strategic alliances
  37. Management Students’ Attitudes Toward Business Ethics
  38. Attitudes toward Corporate Responsibilities in Europe
  39. Ethical preferences for influencing superiors
  40. Dynamic capabilities to match multiple product generations and market rhythm
  41. Resource configurations, generic strategies, and firm performance
  42. The structure and evolution of the strategic management field
  43. A test of the quasi-circumplex structure of human values
  44. The impact of resource-strategy correspondence on marketing performance
  45. Corporate strategy and shareholder value during decline and turnaround
  46. The dynamics and evolution of the service marketing literature
  47. Conceptualising and Measuring the Equity of Online Brands
  48. Performance differences across strategic groups
  49. Service Quality: Research Perspectives
  50. Winning at Service
  51. To Localize or to Standardize on the Web
  52. Resource-based theory and its link to the global strategy, structure, and performance relationship
  53. A hierarchical framework of new products development
  54. Services Marketing Self‐Portraits
  55. Driving Customer Equity
  56. The Relationships between Culture and Behavioral Intentions
  57. Internet Marketing Research
  58. The Rivalry Metrix
  59. The Relationships between Culture and Service Quality Perceptions
  60. Integrity and Corporate Governance
  61. Business Policy and Corporate Strategy
  62. A Customer Relationship Typology of Product Services Strategies
  63. A Content and Comparative Analysis of Strategic Management Research in the Baltic Area: A Research Agenda for Qualitative Studies