All Stories

  1. A Qualitative Investigation of Self-Compassion in Music Therapy Group Voicework With Women Coping With Incest
  2. Financial exploitation and mental health among Holocaust survivors: the moderating role of posttraumatic symptoms
  3. “When I sing—I exist”: A qualitative inquiry on posttraumatic growth in voicework groups with women coping with incest.
  4. The mutual enhancing effect of music and drugs and its eventual cessation in the lives of people coping with substance abuse: A qualitative inquiry
  5. Into the groove of an alternative masculinity: Drumming groups for incarcerated individuals in a maximum-security facility
  6. Creating a Benevolent World: Exploration of a Music-Based Rehabilitation Program for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
  7. Integration of trauma in music therapy: A qualitative study.
  8. The influence of lawbreaking animal rights activists on their family members: the familial-ideological spin model
  9. Internalization and Opposition to Stigmatized Social Discourse among Incest Survivors
  10. Explaining post-prison rehabilitation through music from the Good Lives Model perspective
  11. Familial Pains of Imprisonment: The Experience of Parents and Siblings of Incarcerated Men
  12. Perceptions of Violent National-Political Protest among Arabs Living in Israel: A Pilot Study
  13. Families of Animal Rights Activists as a Basis of Support for Ideological Delinquency—A Phenomenological Study
  14. Relational needs in music therapy with trauma victims: The perspective of music therapists
  15. Perceptions of music therapists regarding their work with children living under continuous war threat: Experiential reframing of trauma through songs
  16. Group music therapy with uprooted teenagers: The Importance of structure
  17. Subjective Age as a Moderator in the Reciprocal Effects Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Self-Rated Physical Functioning
  18. The role of music among prisoners and prison staff: A qualitative research study
  19. Filial anxiety and sense of obligation among offspring of Holocaust survivors
  20. Motives of mentalization among older adults exposed in adulthood to potentially traumatic life events: A qualitative exploration.
  21. Secondary Traumatization and Differentiation Among the Wives of Former POWs: A Reciprocal Association
  22. Victimization in light of self-compassion: Development towards communal compassion
  23. Parental Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Are Related to Successful Aging in Offspring of Holocaust Survivors
  24. The emotional impact of national music on young and older adults differing in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms
  25. A Systematic Review on the Functions of Rap Among Gangs
  26. Minding the Gaps: the Adolescent’s Experience in Front of the Mirror
  27. The impact of disfavoured music on affect complexity in young adults
  28. Loneliness Trajectories: The Role of Posttraumatic Symptoms and Social Support
  29. Aggressive Situational Cues Among Israeli Security Personnel
  30. Music misuse: A review of the personal and collective roles of “problem music”
  31. Problem music and its different shades over its fans
  32. The Impact of Relaxing Music on Prisoners’ Levels of Anxiety and Anger
  33. The experience of gambling in an illegal casino: The gambling spin process
  34. A pendulum between trauma and life: Group music therapy with post-traumatized soldiers
  35. The flywheel effect of intimate partner violence: A victim–perpetrator interactive spin
  36. Elaboration on the association between trauma, PTSD and posttraumatic growth: The role of trait resilience
  37. The Sociological Role of Collective Singing during Intense Moments of Protest: The Disengagement from the Gaza Strip
  38. Does the Age of Offenders and Victims in Crime Scenarios Affect Perceptions of Crime Seriousness and Punitiveness Among Students?
  39. Playing With Fire: The Impact of Football Game Chanting on Level of Aggression1
  40. Sharing My Music with You: The Musical Presentation as a Tool for Exploring, Examining and Enhancing Self-Awareness in a Group Setting
  41. The music of my life: The impact of the Musical Presentation on the sense of purpose in life and on self-consciousness
  42. Book Review: Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice
  43. The Dynamic of Songs in Intergroup Conflict and Proximity: The Case of the Israeli Disengagement from the Gaza Strip
  44. After the Curtain Falls: On the Post-Performance Adjustment of Solo Singers
  45. Drumming through trauma: Music therapy with post-traumatic soldiers
  46. Putting Clinical Process into Image: A Method for Visual Representation of Music Therapy Sessions