All Stories

  1. Sporting memories, dementia care and training staff in care homes
  2. Integrated working and intergenerational projects
  3. Co-production in mental health care
  4. Commissioning for better outcomes in mental health care: testing Alliance Contracting as an enabling framework
  5. Sporting memories & the social inclusion of older people experiencing mental health problems
  6. Releasing the grip of managerial domination
  7. Understanding integrated working between arts and care settings
  8. A relational perspective on public sector leadership and management
  9. Putting personalisation and integration into practice in primary care
  10. Further steps to define and deliver high quality care for care clusters: the mental health care clusters and pathways website
  11. Developing practical social inclusion outcome measures to evidence mental health recovery
  12. Transformation of payment by results in mental health: ensuring a recovery focused and socially inclusive system
  13. Care clusters in mental health and co‐production of care – towards a more lay friendly set of cluster descriptions