All Stories

  1. Classifying sex with volume-matched brain MRI
  2. One Year of Outpatient Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Its Impact on Neuronal Correlates of Attachment Representation in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder Using a Personalized fMRI Task
  3. Chronic pain is associated with less grey matter volume in the anterior cingulum, anterior and posterior insula and hippocampus across three different chronic pain conditions
  4. Modulation of bodily response to chill stimuli by impaired structural connectivity of the left insula: a functional and lesion quantification study in stroke patients
  5. Common neural correlates of vestibular stimulation and fear learning: an fMRI meta-analysis
  6. Structural integrity of the insula and emotional facial recognition performance following stroke
  7. When laughter arrests speech: fMRI-based evidence
  8. Functional MRI in Radiology—A Personal Review
  9. A large, curated, open-source stroke neuroimaging dataset to improve lesion segmentation algorithms
  10. Chronic Stroke Sensorimotor Impairment Is Related to Smaller Hippocampal Volumes: An ENIGMA Analysis
  11. Global brain health modulates the impact of lesion damage on post-stroke sensorimotor outcomes
  12. Classifying sex with MRI
  13. Clinical and neurophysiological effects of progressive movement imagery training for pathological pain
  14. Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear: How Intolerance of Uncertainty and Trait Anxiety impact fear acquisition, extinction and the return of fear
  15. Neural Correlates of Attachment Representation in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder Using a Personalized Functional Magnet Resonance Imaging Task
  16. The neural computation of human prosocial choices in complex motivational states
  17. The Excitability of Ipsilateral Motor Evoked Potentials Is Not Task-specific and Spatially Distinct From the Contralateral Motor Hotspot
  18. Swallowing function in the chronic stage following stroke is associated with white matter integrity of the callosal tract between the interhemispheric S1 swallowing representation areas
  19. SHIP-MR and Radiology: 12 Years of Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Single Center
  20. A large, curated, open-source stroke neuroimaging dataset to improve lesion segmentation algorithms
  21. Chronic stroke sensorimotor impairment is related to smaller hippocampal volumes: An ENIGMA analysis
  22. Smaller spared subcortical nuclei are associated with worse post-stroke sensorimotor outcomes in 28 cohorts worldwide
  23. Graded motor imagery modifies movement pain, cortical excitability and sensorimotor function in complex regional pain syndrome
  24. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Thalamic GMV Atrophy and Associations of Lower GMV With Clinical and Sensorimotor Performance Data
  25. Left Anterior Insular Lesions Result in Impaired Recognition of Facial Expressions of Negative Emotions
  26. Using motor imagery practice for improving motor performance – A review
  27. Modifications in fMRI Representation of Mental Rotation Following a 6 Week Graded Motor Imagery Training in Chronic CRPS Patients
  28. Gray Matter Brain Alterations in Temporomandibular Disorder Tested in a Population Cohort and Three Clinical Samples
  29. Tactile acuity of fingertips and hand representation size in human Area 3b and Area 1 of the primary somatosensory cortex
  30. Fronto-parietal involvement in chronic stroke motor performance when corticospinal tract integrity is compromised
  31. Multimodal Sensory-Spatial Integration and Retrieval of Trained Motor Patterns for Body Coordination in Musicians and Dancers
  32. Smaller spared subcortical nuclei are associated with worse post-stroke sensorimotor outcomes in 28 cohorts worldwide
  33. Income is associated with hippocampal/amygdala and education with cingulate cortex grey matter volume
  34. Cortical thickness and resting‐state cardiac function across the lifespan: A cross‐sectional pooled mega‐analysis
  35. Neural substrates of long-term item and source memory for emotional associates: An fMRI study
  36. Covid-19 in der Neuroreha – ein Interview mit Prof. Dr. Thomas Platz
  37. Mit allen Sinnen
  38. Sinnesverarbeitung und Training motorischer Funktion
  39. Functional representation of the symbol digit modalities test in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis
  40. The modulating impact of cigarette smoking on brain structure in panic disorder: a voxel-based morphometry study
  41. The Neural Correlates of Face-Voice-Integration in Social Anxiety Disorder
  42. Hand drauf!
  43. Schmerzpatienten in Bewegung bringen
  44. The ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group: Big data neuroimaging to study brain–behavior relationships after stroke
  45. Sex-specific association of poor sleep quality with gray matter volume
  46. Effect of CBT on Biased Semantic Network in Panic Disorder: A Multicenter fMRI Study Using Semantic Priming
  47. Die Lücke wird gefüllt
  48. Empathic responses to unknown others are modulated by shared behavioural traits
  49. Brain imaging of chill reactions to pleasant and unpleasant sounds
  50. Association of decrease in insula fMRI activation with changes in trait anxiety in patients with craniomandibular disorder (CMD)
  51. The ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group: Big data neuroimaging to study brain-behavior relationships after stroke
  52. Multiple Sklerose: Es gibt Neuigkeiten!
  53. The neural computation of human prosocial choices in complex motivational states
  54. Effects of centric mandibular splint therapy on orofacial pain and cerebral activation patterns
  55. Mentales Training und Bewegungsbeobachtung
  56. Motorisches Lernen in der Neurologie? Meist Fehlanzeige!
  57. Tuned to voices and faces: Cerebral responses linked to social anxiety
  58. Differences in Neuronal Representation of Mental Rotation in Patients With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Healthy Controls
  59. Editorial: Promoting Manual Dexterity Recovery After Stroke
  60. Prognosestellungen in der Neurorehabilitation
  61. Zwischen Wissenschaft und Empathie
  62. The association of health-related quality of life and cerebral gray matter volume in the context of aging: A voxel-based morphometry study with a general population sample
  63. Investigations on maladaptive plasticity in the sensorimotor cortex of unilateral upper limb CRPS I patients
  64. Review on biomarkers in the resting-state networks of chronic pain patients
  65. App-gestützte ambulante Therapie
  66. Parcellation of motor cortex-associated regions in the human corpus callosum on the basis of Human Connectome Project data
  67. Novel findings from 2,838 Adult Brains on Sex Differences in Gray Matter Brain Volume
  68. Changes in Interhemispheric Motor Connectivity Across the Lifespan: A Combined TMS and DTI Study
  69. Intermittent theta burst stimulation over right somatosensory larynx cortex enhances vocal pitch‐regulation in nonsingers
  70. Arm Ability Training (AAT) Promotes Dexterity Recovery After a Stroke—a Review of Its Design, Clinical Effectiveness, and the Neurobiology of the Actions
  71. Grundlagen und Anwendung der Neuromodulation
  72. Science Fiction im Hier und Jetzt
  73. Tiefe Hirnstimulation bei Patienten mit Bewegungsstörungen und Schmerzen
  74. Predicting Training Gain for a 3 Week Period of Arm Ability Training in the Subacute Stage After Stroke
  75. Ziele und Fortschritte
  76. Voxel-based morphometry in creative writers: Grey matter increase in a prefronto-thalamic-cerebellar network
  77. Emotionsstörungen in der Rehabilitation
  78. Funktionelle Anatomie der Emotionsstörungen
  79. Kann der Patient motiviert eine Therapie durchführen? Warum ist das so oft nicht möglich?
  80. Mit Musik geht alles besser?
  81. Enhancement of motor learning by focal intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) of either the primary motor (M1) or somatosensory area (S1) in healthy human subjects
  82. From visual to motor strategies: Training in mental rotation of hands
  83. Neurobiological correlates of emotional intelligence in voice and face perception networks
  84. Wir sind die Roboter!
  85. Transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation (taVNS) might be a mechanism behind the analgesic effects of auricular acupuncture
  86. Inter-individual differences in heart rate variability are associated with inter-individual differences in mind-reading
  87. Active avoidance and attentive freezing in the face of approaching threat
  88. Gratwanderung zwischen Restitution und Immobilisation
  89. Impairments in Walking Ability, Dexterity, and Cognitive Function in Multiple Sclerosis Are Associated with Different Regional Cerebellar Gray Matter Loss
  90. Handmotorik, Gestik und die Entwicklung der Sprache
  91. Wir sind alles andere als sprachlos!
  92. Structural Alterations in the Corpus Callosum Are Associated with Suicidal Behavior in Women with Borderline Personality Disorder
  93. Changes in motor cortex excitability for the trained and non-trained hand after long-term unilateral motor training
  94. Die digitale Revolution vor unserer Tür
  95. The Role of Left Hemispheric Structures for Emotional Processing as a Monitor of Bodily Reaction and Felt Chill – a Case-Control Functional Imaging Study
  96. Priming Hand Motor Training with Repetitive Stimulation of the Fingertips; Performance Gain and Functional Imaging of Training Effects
  97. Innovative Forschung und Praxisanwendung
  98. Veranstaltungsbericht
  99. High-resolution fMRI investigations of the fingertip somatotopy and variability in BA3b and BA1 of the primary somatosensory cortex
  100. An exploration into the cortical reorganisation of the healthy hand in upper-limb complex regional pain syndrome
  101. Neue Trends und zukunftsweisende Forschung
  102. Neuropathische Schmerzen nach Querschnittlähmung
  103. Increased ventral premotor cortex recruitment after arm training in an fMRI study with subacute stroke patients
  104. Messer sind besser! Aber wie stimulieren wir die Benutzung von Assessments?
  105. Voxel-based morphometry in opera singers: Increased gray-matter volume in right somatosensory and auditory cortices
  106. Symmetry of fMRI activation in the primary sensorimotor cortex during unilateral chewing
  107. Morphological and behavioral characterization of adult mice deficient for SrGAP3
  108. The role of global and regional gray matter volume decrease in multiple sclerosis
  109. Prognostische Wertigkeit konnektivitätsbasierter Parameter für das motorische Outcome der Handfunktion bei subakuten Schlaganfallpatienten
  110. Effects of inhibitory theta burst TMS to different brain sites involved in visuospatial attention – a combined neuronavigated cTBS and behavioural study
  111. Editorial
  112. Neural correlates of individual differences in anxiety sensitivity: an fMRI study using semantic priming
  113. Connectivity-Based Predictions of Hand Motor Outcome for Patients at the Subacute Stage After Stroke
  114. Brain imaging correlates of recovered swallowing after dysphagic stroke: A fMRI and DWI study
  115. Preliminary findings of cerebral responses on transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation on experimental heat pain
  116. Chronic Back Pain Is Associated With Decreased Prefrontal and Anterior Insular Gray Matter: Results From a Population-Based Cohort Study
  117. MRI Biomarkers for Hand-Motor Outcome Prediction and Therapy Monitoring following Stroke
  118. Maladaptive Plastizität bei chronischen und neuropathischen Schmerzen
  119. Imaginationstraining
  120. Raus aus dem Bett!
  121. Fear-potentiated startle processing in humans: Parallel fMRI and orbicularis EMG assessment during cue conditioning and extinction
  122. Inhibition of the primary sensorimotor cortex by topical anesthesia of the forearm in patients with complex regional pain syndrome
  123. Cognitive Expertise: An ALE Meta-Analysis
  124. Folgen von Bettruhe und Immobilisation
  125. Raus aus dem Bett!
  126. Insular cortex activity and the evocation of laughter
  127. Automated analysis protocol for high resolution BOLD-fMRI mapping of the fingertip somatotopy in brodmann area 3b
  128. SrGAP3 knockout mice display enlarged lateral ventricles and specific cilia disturbances of ependymal cells in the third ventricle
  129. Structural alterations in white-matter tracts connecting (para-)limbic and prefrontal brain regions in borderline personality disorder
  130. Gasteditorial: Zukunftsvisionen
  131. Neural representation of swallowing is retained with age. A functional neuroimaging study validated by classical and Bayesian inference
  132. Theoretical Considerations for Chronic Pain Rehabilitation
  133. Ansätze zur Schmerztherapie – theoretischer Hintergrund
  134. Chronischer Schmerz – brandaktuell
  135. Neurobiologie des Schmerzes
  136. Schmerzerleben
  137. Changes in cortical, cerebellar and basal ganglia representation after comprehensive long term unilateral hand motor training
  138. Demenz – Grundlagenwissen und Therapieansätze
  139. Functional imaging in obese children responding to long-term sports therapy
  140. Genetic, psychosocial and clinical factors associated with hippocampal volume in the general population
  141. Professional training in creative writing is associated with enhanced fronto-striatal activity in a literary text continuation task
  142. Interhemispheric somatosensory differences in chronic pain reflect abnormality of theHealthyside
  143. Editorial
  144. Alexithymia and brain gray matter volumes in a general population sample
  145. Sequential evolution of cortical activity and effective connectivity of swallowing using fMRI
  146. Neural correlates of verbal creativity: differences in resting-state functional connectivity associated with expertise in creative writing
  147. Gemeinsam geht’s besser
  148. Post-mortem magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) of the murine brain at 7 Tesla results in a gain of resolution as compared to in vivo MRM
  149. They Are Laughing at Me: Cerebral Mediation of Cognitive Biases in Social Anxiety
  150. Comparison of Parameter Threshold Combinations for Diffusion Tensor Tractography in Chronic Stroke Patients and Healthy Subjects
  151. Current Smoking and Reduced Gray Matter Volume—a Voxel-Based Morphometry Study
  152. Verum and sham acupuncture exert distinct cerebral activation in pain processing areas: a crossover fMRI investigation in healthy volunteers
  153. Effects of Combining 2 Weeks of Passive Sensory Stimulation with Active Hand Motor Training in Healthy Adults
  154. Usage of the middle finger shapes reorganization of the primary somatosensory cortex in patients with index finger amputation
  155. Primary Motor Cortex Function in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  156. Primary Somatosensory Cortex Function in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  157. Instrument specific brain activation in sensorimotor and auditory representation in musicians
  158. Successful therapy for temporomandibular pain alters anterior insula and cerebellar representations of occlusion
  159. Differentiation of cerebral representation of occlusion and swallowing with fMRI
  160. Graded Motor Imagery and the Impact on Pain Processing in a Case of CRPS
  161. I Can't Keep Your Face and Voice Out of My Head: Neural Correlates of an Attentional Bias Toward Nonverbal Emotional Cues
  162. Encoding and recall of finger sequences in experienced pianists compared with musically naïve controls: A combined behavioral and functional imaging study
  163. Instrumental methods in the diagnostics of locked-in syndrome
  164. Kinesthetic imagery of musical performance
  165. Outcome-dependent coactivation of lip and tongue primary somatosensory representation following hypoglossal-facial transfer after peripheral facial palsy
  166. Mechanisms of change: Effects of repetitive exposure to feared stimuli on the brain's fear network
  167. Brain activation during anticipation of interoceptive threat
  168. fMRI-activation during drawing a naturalistic or sketchy portrait
  169. Task-Dependent Interaction between Parietal and Contralateral Primary Motor Cortex during Explicit versus Implicit Motor Imagery
  170. Prolonged Gaseous Hypothermia Prevents the Upregulation of Phagocytosis-Specific Protein Annexin 1 and Causes Low-Amplitude EEG Activity in the Aged Rat Brain after Cerebral Ischemia
  171. Exploration of the Neural Correlates of Ticklish Laughter by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  172. Brain activation during spatial updating and attentive tracking of moving targets
  173. Changes in cortical activation in craniomandibular disorders during splint therapy – A single subject fMRI study
  174. Prolonged motor skill learning – a combined behavioural training and theta burst TMS study
  175. Neural correlates of creative writing: An fMRI Study
  176. Contralesional Motor Cortex Activation Depends on Ipsilesional Corticospinal Tract Integrity in Well-Recovered Subcortical Stroke Patients
  177. The cerebral representation of temporomandibular joint occlusion and its alternation by occlusal splints
  178. Coordinate-based meta-analysis of experimentally induced and chronic persistent neuropathic pain
  179. Non-effective increase of fMRI-activation for motor performance in elder individuals
  180. Impact of personality on the cerebral processing of emotional prosody
  181. Comparison of a 32-channel with a 12-channel head coil: Are there relevant improvements for functional imaging?
  182. The functional connectivity between amygdala and extrastriate visual cortex activity during emotional picture processing depends on stimulus novelty
  183. Automated Detection of Amyloid-β-Related Cortical and Subcortical Signal Changes in a Transgenic Model of Alzheimer's Disease using High-Field MRI
  184. Is there a time window for increased plasticity? The need for longitudinal data
  185. A long-term intensive behavioral treatment study in patients with persistent vegetative state or minimally conscious state
  186. NMDA-receptor antagonist and morphine decrease CRPS-pain and cerebral pain representation
  187. The brain's relevance detection network operates independently of stimulus modality
  188. Aberrant social and cerebral responding in a competitive reaction time paradigm in criminal psychopaths
  189. Functional lesions of the motor system with TMS – a challenge for individual functional mapping
  190. Prefrontal function associated with impaired emotion recognition in patients with multiple sclerosis
  191. Increased dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation in obese children during observation of food stimuli
  192. When seeing outweighs feeling: a role for prefrontal cortex in passive control of negative affect in blindsight
  193. The Brain of Opera Singers: Experience-Dependent Changes in Functional Activation
  194. Reduced Ventrolateral fMRI Response during Observation of Emotional Gestures Related to the Degree of Dopaminergic Impairment in Parkinson Disease
  195. Functional relevance of ipsilateral motor activation in congenital hemiparesis as tested by fMRI-navigated TMS
  196. The Truth about Lying: Inhibition of the Anterior Prefrontal Cortex Improves Deceptive Behavior
  197. Acupuncture reveals no specific effect on primary auditory cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study
  198. Brain activation and defensive response mobilization during sustained exposure to phobia-related and other affective pictures in spider phobia
  199. Role of distorted body image in pain
  200. MRI brain lesion patterns in patients in anoxia-induced vegetative state
  201. Overt and imagined singing of an Italian aria
  202. Regulation of anterior insular cortex activity using real-time fMRI
  203. Evidence for a different role of the ventral and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex for social reactive aggression: An interactive fMRI study
  204. Volition and Imagery in Neurorehabilitation
  205. Cross‐modal plasticity of the motor cortex while listening to a rehearsed musical piece
  206. Segregation of visceral and somatosensory afferents: An fMRI and cytoarchitectonic mapping study
  207. Motor imagery
  208. The Role of Multiple Contralesional Motor Areas for Complex Hand Movements after Internal Capsular Lesion
  209. The role of prefrontal cortex in visuo-spatial planning: a repetitive TMS study
  210. Neuroimaging Patterns Associated with Motor Control in Traumatic Brain Injury
  211. Differential cerebral activation during observation of expressive gestures and motor acts
  212. Deficient Fear Conditioning in Psychopathy
  213. Processing of a simple aversive conditioned stimulus in a divided visual field paradigm: an fMRI study
  214. Parietal somatosensory association cortex mediates affective blindsight
  215. Brain activity underlying emotional valence and arousal: A response-related fMRI study
  216. The musician's brain: functional imaging of amateurs and professionals during performance and imagery
  217. Motor learning elicited by voluntary drive
  218. Disinhibition of the contralateral motor cortex by low-frequency rTMS
  219. Comparison of representational maps using functional magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation
  220. Chapter 34 Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on slow cortical potentials (SCP)
  221. Brain circuits involved in emotional learning in antisocial behavior and social phobia in humans
  222. Modulation of slow cortical potentials by transcranial magnetic stimulation in humans
  223. Cerebral Activation during Anal and Rectal Stimulation
  224. Phantom movements and pain An fMRI study in upper limb amputees
  225. Sensorimotor mapping of the human cerebellum: fMRI evidence of somatotopic organization
  226. The representation of articulation in the primary sensorimotor cortex
  227. Comparison of fMRI-activation maps during music execution and imagination in professional and non-professional string players
  228. Cortical and subcortical structures involved in the observation of gestures
  229. fMRI-brain mapping of pneumatic rectal stimulation
  230. Lesion-site specific fMRI activation pattern associated with motor deficits in traumatic brain injury
  231. Sensorimotor reorganization in prenatally acquired hemiparesis
  232. fMRI Evaluation of Somatotopic Representation in Human Primary Motor Cortex
  233. Daily rhythm of vigilance assessed by temporal resolution of the visual system
  234. Activation of Cortical and Cerebellar Motor Areas during Executed and Imagined Hand Movements: An fMRI Study
  235. Activation of human language processing brain regions after the presentation of random letter strings demonstrated with event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging
  236. Does use of a myoelectric prosthesis prevent cortical reorganization and phantom limb pain?
  237. Daily Rhythm of Temporal Resolution in the Auditory System
  238. Functional MRI of cerebral activation during encoding and retrieval of words
  239. Activation of Anterior Cingulate Gyrus, Right Medial Frontal Gyrus, and Parietal Visual Association Cortex during Retrieval: An Event-related Functional MRI-Analysis
  240. Comparison of fMRI Evaluation Parameters Utilizing Prior Knowledge of Expected Activation
  241. Mapping the Cerebellum: Interindividual Analysis of fMRI Activation
  242. Spatial Correlation between Motor Evoked Potentials elicited by TMS and fMRI Activation during Voluntary Movement
  243. fMRI of Cortical Reorganization in the Primary Motor and Sensory Cortex after Traumatic upper Limb Amputation
  244. fMRI reveals amygdala activation to human faces in social phobics