All Stories

  1. How does the unicellular plankton reproduce
  2. New internal systematic and origin of the Cretaceous ammonite Aegocrioceras
  3. Spirula is composed of an Atlantic and a Pacific species
  4. Mineral composition and placement of the Torres del Paine intrusion.
  5. Shell calcification influences shell geochemistry in planktonic Foraminifera
  6. The influence of shell porosity on shell weight in planktonic Foraminifera
  7. Long- and short-term changes in the Caribbean planktonic foraminiferal community
  8. Shortly before extinction, the variation in planktonic foraminiferal communities is reduced.
  9. Tectonic subsidence and uplift of Rhodes
  10. Are the erected species in the ammonite genus Aegocrioceras correct?
  11. Planktonic Foraminifera do not migrate between different depths over the course of a day.
  12. How strongly do benthic Foraminifera counts differ between the >125 and >150 μm size fraction
  13. Testing the water depth reconstruction using benthic Foraminifera assemblages
  14. A morphological analysis of arm hooks of belemnites (Cephalopoda)
  15. Methods for genetic sequencing of planktonic Foraminifera
  16. What influences the shell calcification in planktonic Foraminifera
  17. Phylogeny and repeated morphology in the planktonic foraminifer genus Globigerinella
  18. Shell morphology in planktonic Foraminifera when exposed to lethal levels of environmental stress
  19. Diversity is inherently different between planktonic foraminiferal lineages
  20. Calcification intensity in planktonic Foraminifera is not influenced by environmental stress
  21. Global and regional sea surface temperature trends during Marine Isotope Stage 11
  22. Correcting stratigraphic ranges of micropalaeontological assemblages
  23. Correcting stratigraphic ranges of micropalaeontological assemblages