All Stories

  1. Experiences of Awe and Gratitude and Related Triggers Among Religious Brothers and Sisters: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Study in Germany
  2. Experience of loss and grief among people from Germany who have lost their relatives during the pandemic: the impact of healthcare professionals' support
  3. Die Rolle von Religiosität und Spiritualität im Umgang mit der Erkrankung bei psychiatrischen Patienten in Kroatien und Bosnien und Herzegowina
  4. Experience of nature and times of silence as a resource to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and their effects on psychological wellbeing—Findings from a continuous cross-sectional survey in Germany
  5. Psychiatrische Patientinnen und Patienten in Vukovar (Kroatien) und ihre Bedürfnisse nach Vergebung
  6. Cross-cultural validity of the Death Reflection Scale during the COVID-19 pandemic
  7. Social Distance and Intergroup Contact
  8. Awe/Gratitude as an Experiential Aspect of Spirituality and Its Association to Perceived Positive Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  9. The Religious Under-Determination of Spiritual Needs from a Theological Perspective and Their Implications for Health and Social Care
  10. Spiritual Needs in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
  11. Spiritual Needs of Tumor Patients During Their Stay at a Palliative Care Unit
  12. Spiritual Needs in Postwar Population Posttrauma Patients in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
  13. Simon Peng-Keller & David Neuhold (Hg.) (2019) Spiritual Care im globalisierten Gesundheitswesen. Historische Hintergründe und aktuelle Entwicklungen. Darmstadt: wbg Academic. ISBN 978-3-534-40222-9; 278 Seiten, Preis: 38,00 €.
  14. The International NERSH Data Pool of Health Professionals’ Attitudes Toward Religiosity and Spirituality in 12 Countries
  15. Spiritual Care and Pastoral Ministry of the Churches - an ecumenical interview
  16. Religiöse und spirituelle Bedürfnisse bei traumatisierten muslimischen Patienten in Sarajevo
  17. Spirituelle Bedürfnisse von Tumorpatienten verändern sich während der palliativmedizinischen Betreuung kaum
  18. Perception of Religious Brothers and Sisters and Lay Persons That Prayers Go Unanswered Is a Matter of Perceived Distance from God
  19. Isabelle Noth, Georg Wenz, Emmanuel Schweizer (Hg.) (2017) Pastoral and Spiritual Care Across Religions – Seelsorge und Spiritual Care in interkultureller Perspektive. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 978-3-7887-3087-1; 230 Seiten; Preis: 30,00 ...
  20. Health and Social Welfare Economy and the Common Good
  21. How is Korean psychiatry dealing with patients' religious and spiritual needs?
  22. What about spiritual needs and inclusion of deaf persons and people with hearing impairment?
  23. Celibacy of Catholic priests: connection between spiritual dryness and psychosexual immaturity?
  24. Spiritual needs and stress of mothers with children with Down syndrome
  25. Religiosity and Spirituality: Is It an Appropriate Issue in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy? —Comparative Studies of Germany and South Korea
  26. Religious Values in Clinical Practice are Here to Stay
  27. Das Böse in der Religion – Eine psychotherapeutische Perspektive
  28. Validation of the Gratitude/Awe Questionnaire and Its Association with Disposition of Gratefulness
  29. Coping Mechanisms for Psychosomatic Symptoms among Aging Roman Catholic German priests
  30. Factor Structure of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ) in Persons with Chronic Diseases, Elderly and Healthy Individuals
  31. Spiritual Dryness in Catholic Laypersons Working as Volunteers is Related to Reduced Life Satisfaction Rather than to Indicators of Spirituality
  33. The International NERSH Data Pool—A Methodological Description of a Data Pool of Religious and Spiritual Values of Health Professionals from Six Continents
  34. Aspects of Spirituality and Life Satisfaction in Persons With Down Syndrome
  35. Focusing on the Basic Elements of Christian Faith in the Service of Renewal. The Scope and Effects of the Encyclical Deus Caritas Est more than Ten Years after Its Publication
  36. Self-Attributed Importance of Spiritual Practices in Catholic Pastoral Workers and their Association with Life Satisfaction
  37. Prävalenz und Interaktion von Stresserleben und psychosomatisch relevanten Lebensstilvariablen bei Seelsorgenden in den deutschen Diözesen
  38. Spiritual Dryness in Non-Ordained Catholic Pastoral Workers
  39. Reactions and Strategies of German Catholic Priests to Cope with Phases of Spiritual Dryness
  40. Reduced Sense of Coherence Due to Neuroticism: Are Transcendent Beliefs Protective Among Catholic Pastoral Workers?
  41. Commitment to Celibacy in German Catholic Priests: Its Relation to Religious Practices, Psychosomatic Health and Psychosocial Resources
  42. The NERSH International Collaboration on Values, Spirituality and Religion in Medicine: Development of Questionnaire, Description of Data Pool, and Overview of Pool Publications
  43. Ausdrucksformen der Spiritualität bei Schülern und jungen Erwachsenen
  44. Reliance on God’s Help Scale as a Measure of Religious Trust—A Summary of Findings
  45. Health and Life Satisfaction of Roman Catholic Pastoral Workers: Private Prayer has a Greater Impact than Public Prayer
  46. How do Psychiatric Staffs Approach Religiosity/Spirituality in Clinical Practice? Differing Perceptions among Psychiatric Staff Members and Clinical Chaplains
  47. Do Self-efficacy Expectation and Spirituality Provide a Buffer Against Stress-Associated Impairment of Health? A Comprehensive Analysis of the German Pastoral Ministry Study
  48. Personal Prayer in Patients Dealing with Chronic Illness: A Review of the Research Literature
  49. Religions and Psychotherapies—Special Issue
  50. Aspects of Spirituality in German and Polish Adolescents and Young Adults—Factorial Structure of the ASP Students’ Questionnaire
  51. Spirituality and Health
  52. Experience of gratitude, awe and beauty in life among patients with multiple sclerosis and psychiatric disorders
  53. Religiosity/Spirituality and Mental Health: Psychiatric Staff’s Attitudes and Behaviors
  54. Altruism in adolescents and young adults: validation of an instrument to measure generative altruism with structural equation modeling
  55. Spiritual Needs among Patients with Chronic Pain Diseases and Cancer Living in a Secular Society
  56. Do Patients with Chronic Pain Diseases Believe in Guardian Angels: Even in a Secular Society? A Cross-Sectional Study Among German Patients with Chronic Diseases
  57. Aspects of Spirituality in Medical Doctors and Their Relation to Specific Views of Illness and Dealing with Their Patients' Individual Situation
  58. Faith as a Resource in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Is Associated with a Positive Interpretation of Illness and Experience of Gratitude/Awe
  59. Spiritual Dryness as a Measure of a Specific Spiritual Crisis in Catholic Priests: Associations with Symptoms of Burnout and Distress
  60. German Psychiatrists’ Observation and Interpretation of Religiosity/Spirituality
  61. Aspects of spirituality and ideals to help in adolescents from Christian academic high schools
  62. “Religion in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy?” A Pilot Study: The Meaning of Religiosity/Spirituality from Staff’s Perspective in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy