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  1. Photon-efficient volumetric imaging with light-sheet scanning fluorescence microscopy
  2. Fast imaging of 15 intracellular compartments and interactions by deep learning segmentation of super-resolution data
  3. Glucose increases the length and spacing of the lattice structure of the axon initial segment
  4. Polarization modulation with optical lock-in detection reveals universal fluorescence anisotropy of subcellular structures in live cells
  5. The largest isoform of Ankyrin-G is required for lattice structure of the axon initial segment
  6. Iterative tomography with digital adaptive optics permits hour-long intravital observation of 3D subcellular dynamics at millisecond scale
  7. Axially overlapped multi-focus light sheet with enlarged field of view
  8. High-dimensional super-resolution imaging reveals heterogeneity and dynamics of subcellular lipid membranes
  9. Enhanced reconstruction of structured illumination microscopy on a polarized specimen
  10. Structured illumination microscopy using digital micro-mirror device and coherent light source
  11. Super-resolution polarization imaging on commercial SIM systems
  12. 3D observation of large-scale subcellular dynamics in vivo at the millisecond scale
  13. Fast, Accurate Polarization and Polarity Imaging with Polarized Structured Illumination
  14. Developing novel methods to image and visualize 3D genomes
  15. Polarization-based super-resolution imaging of surface-enhanced Raman scattering nanoparticles with orientational information
  16. Super-resolution Dipole Orientation Microscopy
  17. Super-resolution fluorescence polarization microscopy
  18. Computational methods in super-resolution microscopy
  19. Super-resolution: better, deeper, and richer information
  20. Super-resolution dipole orientation mapping via polarization demodulation
  21. Versatile application of fluorescent quantum dot labels in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy
  22. Fast Super-Resolution Imaging with Ultra-High Labeling Density Achieved by Joint Tagging Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging