All Stories

  1. Anthropomorphism and social presence in Human–Virtual service assistant interactions: The role of dialog length and attitudes
  2. Does the digitalization of retailing disrupt consumers’ attachment to retail places?
  3. Hope You’re Not Totally Commercial! Toward a Better Understanding of Advertising Recognition's Impact on Influencer Marketing Effectiveness
  4. How Artificially Intelligent (AI) Leadership Impacts Trust and Recommendation Quality among Consumers: An Abstract
  5. The Influence of Facebook Discussions on Purchase Intention and Word of Mouth
  6. Primed Authenticity: How Priming Impacts Authenticity Perception of Social Media Influencers
  7. Reliability and Validity of a Further Tested Appreciative Management Scale
  8. Enabling transformative value creation through online weight loss services
  9. ‘You really are a great big sister’ – parasocial relationships, credibility, and the moderating role of audience comments in influencer marketing
  10. The role of fundamental motivations in willingness-to-pay online
  11. Primed Authenticity: How Priming Impacts Authenticity Perception of Social Media Influencers
  12. “Thanks for watching”. The effectiveness of YouTube vlogendorsements
  13. The consequences of perceived risk and objective knowledge for consumers’ investment behavior
  14. The Structure and Formation of Customer value in B-to-B Services
  15. Brand love and positive word of mouth: the moderating effects of experience and price
  16. Credibility of a peer endorser and advertising effectiveness
  17. How do brand personality, identification, and relationship length drive loyalty in sports?
  18. The Relationships Between Customer Brand Engagement in Social Media and Share of Wallet
  19. Are Facebook brand community members truly loyal to the brand?
  20. Beliefs affecting additional investment intentions of mutual fund clients
  21. The influence of purchase-related risk perceptions on relationship commitment
  22. The Sources of Purchase Risks of a New Packaging Technology from a Supply Network Perspective
  23. Perceived risks and risk management of social media in an organizational context
  24. Impact of service quality dimensions on the formation of customer value in B to B services
  25. The price‐category effect and the formation of customer value of high‐tech products
  26. The value drivers of high-tech consumer products
  27. The Effect of Information Sources on the Success of the Organizational Buying Process
  28. The dynamics and characteristics of buying centre networks
  29. Managing risks in organizational purchasing through adaptation of buying centre structure and the buying process
  30. Customers' purchase intentions as a reflection of price perception
  31. Characteristics of early adopters in mobile communications markets
  32. Pricing method as a tool for improved price perception
  33. Dynamics of price sensitivity among mobile service customers
  34. Technology-based services: a study on the drivers and inhibitors of mobile banking