All Stories

  1. Do All Employees Benefit From Daily Networking? The Moderating Effect of the Affiliation Motive
  2. Conflict Poker
  3. Do social conflicts at work affect employees’ job satisfaction?
  4. Multidimensional Networking Behavior in Germany and China
  5. The Goal Paves the Way
  6. Daily within-person effects of job autonomy and work engagement on innovative behaviour: The cross-level moderating role of creative self-efficacy
  7. Corrigendum to ‘The bright and dark sides of leaders' Dark Triad traits: Effects on subordinates' career success and well-being’ [Personality and Individual Differences 101 (2016) 413–418]
  8. Daily Negative Work Events and Employees' Physiological and Psychological Reactions
  9. The bright and dark sides of leaders' dark triad traits: Effects on subordinates' career success and well-being
  10. Gender, Professional Networks, and Subjective Career Success Within Early Academic Science Careers
  11. Translating satisfaction determination from health care to the automotive industry
  12. The Career Satisfaction Scale in Context
  13. Validierung einer deutschsprachigen Version des Career Futures Inventory (CFI)
  14. Leader–member exchange (LMX), job autonomy, and creative work involvement
  15. Career Stagnation: Underlying Dilemmas and Solutions in Contemporary Work Environments
  16. Do social conflicts with customers at work encroach upon our private lives? A diary study.
  17. The Career Satisfaction Scale: Longitudinal measurement invariance and latent growth analysis
  18. The role of star performers in software design teams
  19. Reciprocal Relationships between Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and Job Satisfaction: A Cross-Lagged Analysis
  20. Dual-Career Couples: Specific Challenges for Work-Life Integration
  21. Protean and boundaryless career attitudes: relationships with subjective and objective career success
  22. Adaptation to increased work autonomy: The role of task reflection
  23. The construct of career success: measurement issues and an empirical example
  24. What You Do for Your Team Comes Back to You: A Cross-Level Investigation of Individual Goal Specification, Team-Goal Clarity, and Individual Performance
  25. Thank You Reviewers!
  26. Individual-Level Predictors of Task-Related Teamwork Processes
  27. Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Interviews zur internationalen Personalauswahl
  28. Job Performance