All Stories

  1. ‘At least you got to see people when you went out’: Older adults during COVID-19
  2. Socio-cultural influences on attendance at exercise based cardiac rehabilitation
  3. Cardiac rehabilitation in England - how person centred is it?
  4. Reflexivity in sensory ethnography. Chapter in Routledge Handbook of Sensory Ethnography
  5. Doing - and leaving - ethnographic research on performance swimmers
  6. Wearables in distance running - runners' experiences and feelings
  7. Health promotion for older adults - using an English football club setting
  8. Visually impaired running together with sighted guides
  9. Breathing battles and asthma experiences in sport and exercise
  10. The impact of COVID-19 on participants in cardiac rehabilitation - using Bourdieu
  11. Feeling good, sensory engagements, and time out: embodied pleasures of running
  12. Chapter in book: Experiences of endurance in women's cross-country and trail running
  13. Women runners in public spaces - pleasures and dangers
  14. ‘The agenda is to have fun’: exploring experiences of visually impaired runners and their guides
  15. Motherhood and swimming with pre-school children
  16. Learning important life lessons: talented youth athletes in Finland
  17. Mental health and wellbeing in the early stages of PhD study
  18. Women endurance athletes and the psychological effects of relative energy deficiency
  19. Chapter in above: lived experiences of ‘positive pain’ in competitive swimming
  20. I'm Hurting but I'm Buzzing: ‘Positive Pain’ in Competitive Swimming
  21. Weather and the touch of the elements in women's distance running
  22. I was surprised by an app telling an adult they had to go to bed before half ten!: wearables
  23. The senses and 'doing' running and swimming together
  24. "I’d got self-destruction down to a fine art”: Relative energy deficiency in sport
  25. Superwomen? Young sporting women, and learning not to be perfect
  26. Switch off the headwork!: From academic to distance runner - book chapter
  27. Learning endurance in competitive swimming and distance running
  28. The lived sense of temperature in competitive swimming
  29. Researching retired ex-servicemen: reflections on ethnographic encounters
  30. Learning in and through sport - beyond the life-skills approach
  31. Competitive swimming in the UK - exploring the practices of 'doing' swimming
  32. Exploring 'positive pain' in competitive swimming
  33. Identity, learning and leaving pre-elite sport - a youth athlete
  34. To be or not to be phenomenology?: that is the question
  35. Community Health Trainers in the UK - identity, identity work and boundary work
  36. Attracting and retaining boys in ballet and dance
  37. 'I just want to be left alone': novel sociological insights into demands on professional athletes.
  38. Weather and the senses in high altitude mountaineering - a sociological study
  39. Reflexivity in sociological phenomenology - research on competitive swimmers
  40. Mental toughness in high altitude mountaineers
  41. Identity and retired military veterans: identity struggles in the transition to civilian life
  42. Experiences of weather in running and triathlon
  43. Reflexivity in qualitative research
  44. Physical activity across the life course
  45. Endurance of mind and body in high-altitude mountaineering - Allen-Collinson, Crust, & Swann
  46. Dance teachers' perceptions of boys and girls in their dance classes
  47. Retired servicemen and experiences of their ageing bodies
  48. 'Weather work': learning how to engage with weather in a Welsh outdoor exercise programme
  49. Studying the moving body in interaction with other moving bodies
  50. Running together in distance running - chapter in edited collection
  51. Exercise referral schemes - exercise as medicine?
  52. Stuck in limbo: 'teaching-only' staff in UK universities
  53. Running a temperature: distance running, heat and ‘temperature work’
  54. Mental toughness and decision-making in elite, high-altitude mountaineers
  55. The experience of heat in sport and physical cultures
  56. Mental toughness and surviving the 2015 Mount Everest disaster
  57. French sports students' use of alcohol: gender and drinking
  58. Asthma identities, sport and the body
  59. The Occupational Role of the Lay Health Trainer in England: A Review of Practice
  60. Using arts-based research to explore dance and challenge the audit culture
  61. Risky bodies, risky spaces, maternal ‘instincts’: Swimming and motherhood
  62. Understanding people's experience of asthma in sport and exercise
  63. Women amateur golfers in England and sexism
  64. Response
  65. Digging in
  66. Using patient narratives to enhance care for those with asthma
  67. “It Gives Me My Freedom”: Technology and Responding to Bodily Limitations in Motor Neuron Disease
  68. Career aspirations of further education students
  69. Mothers' swimming with their pre-school children - changing body perceptions
  70. Women's distance running and boxing - sensing heat
  71. The sense of touch in experiences of Motor Neurone Disease
  72. The role of the senses in outdoor exercise
  73. Perceptions of mental toughness in regular exercisers & exercise leaders
  74. ‘What it takes’: perceptions of mental toughness and its development in an English Premier League Soccer Academy
  75. Seeing space and place: the distance runner's view
  76. Using Friendship as method / methodology in ethnographic research
  77. The Lived Experience of Diagnosis Delivery in Motor Neurone Disease: A Sociological-Phenomenological Study
  78. The role of the senses in experiences of asthma and sport
  79. I'm a Reddie and a Christian! Identity negotiations amongst first-year university students
  80. Phenomenological Approaches to Sport
  81. Autoethnography and personal narratives in sport and physical cultures
  82. The woman in the distance-running body - feminist phenomenology
  83. A new way to research the sporting body: autophenomenography and the use of bracketing
  84. Domestic violence and intimate partner abuse of a male victim
  85. Senses of touch in distance running and scuba diving
  86. Negative ‘marking’? University research administrators and the contestation of moral exclusion
  87. The sporting body, sports studies, sport sociology and phenomenology
  88. The senses and the body at work
  89. A Marked Man: Female-Perpetrated Intimate Partner Abuse
  90. University research administrators and their occupational knowledge and practices
  91. Dialogue, monologue, and boundary crossing within research encounters: A performative narrative analysis
  92. The Essence of Sporting Embodiment
  93. An ethnographic study of high altitude climbers making sense of dissonant experiences
  94. Book Reviews
  95. Running the Routes Together: Distance running and runners' knowledge
  96. Autoethnography as ‘Valid’ Methodology? A Study of Disrupted Identity Narratives
  97. ‘Working Out’ Identity: Distance Runners and the Management of Disrupted Identity
  98. ‘Get yourself some nice, neat, matching box files!’ Research administrators and occupational identity work
  99. Understanding how it feels to be a sporting body
  100. Just ‘non-academics’?
  101. Seeing the way: visual sociology and the distance runner's perspective
  102. Student experiences of undertaking practice-based PhDs in art and design
  103. Emotions, Interaction and the Injured Sporting Body
  104. Identity Change: Doctoral students in art and design
  105. Social science contract researchers in UK higher education - identity under challenge
  106. Running into Injury time: Distance running, sports injury and time
  107. Working at a Marginal ‘Career’: The Case of UK Social Science Contract Researchers
  108. The Supervision of Practice‐based Research Degrees in Art and Design
  109. Social Science Contract Researchers in Higher Education: Perceptions of Craft Knowledge
  110. Social Science Contract Researchers in Higher Education: Perceptions of Craft Knowledge
  111. Capturing Contracts: informal activity among contract researchers
  112. The Social Science Training‐model Doctorate: student choice?
  113. Bodies injured or in pain
  114. Bodies in sport