All Stories

  1. Delone lattice studies in C 3, the space of three complex variables
  2. Approximating lattice similarity
  3. An invertible seven-dimensional Dirichlet cell characterization of lattices
  4. G22.3023 Special Topics of Industrial Interest Network Design and Implementation Lecture Notes Spring 84 with revisions from G22.2263 Network Design and Implementation Lecture Notes Spring 91
  5. G22.2262 Data Communications Lecture Notes Fall 1983 with revisions from G22.2262 Data Communications Lecture Notes Fall 1990
  6. Generating random unit cells
  7. A simple technique to classify diffraction data from dynamic proteins according to individual polymorphs
  8. Robotic sample changers for macromolecular X-ray crystallography and biological small-angle X-ray scattering at the National Synchrotron Light Source II. Corrigendum
  9. Robotic sample changers for macromolecular X-ray crystallography and biological small-angle X-ray scattering at the National Synchrotron Light Source II
  10. FMX – the Frontier Microfocusing Macromolecular Crystallography Beamline at the National Synchrotron Light Source II
  11. A simple technique to classify diffraction data from dynamic proteins according to individual polymorphs
  12. Gold Standard for macromolecular crystallography diffraction data
  13. Converting three-space matrices to equivalent six-space matrices for Delone scalars in S6
  14. Best practices for high data-rate macromolecular crystallography (HDRMX)
  15. A space for lattice representation and clustering
  16. Selling reduction versus Niggli reduction for crystallographic lattices
  17. High-speed raster-scanning synchrotron serial microcrystallography with a high-precision piezo-scanner
  18. Development of nanosecond time-resolved infrared detection at the LEAF pulse radiolysis facility
  19. The NeXus data format
  20. Final Progress Report
  21. Using Lee–Richards surfaces to calculate close contacts and complex interfaces
  22. Review: important to prevent a return to abuses of the past
  23. Reading, writing and validating CIFS usingCIFTBX2andCYCLOPS
  24. Determining the shape of a convex n-sided polygon by using 2n + k tactile probes
  25. Parallel implementation of bisection for the calculation of eigenvalues of tridiagonal symmetric matrices
  26. An accelerated bisection method for the calculation of eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
  27. A perturbation stable cell comparison technique
  29. Use of the PETT III at brookhaven in metabolic and imaging studies with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and other compounds
  30. The squared power method to fit a plane to a set of points
  31. CRYSNET: A Network for Crystallographic Computing
  32. Crysnet a crystallographic computing network with interactive graphics display
  33. Compiling fixed-point multiplications
  34. Ludeman's PL/I FORMAC gradient problem as handled by FORTRAN SYMBOLANG
  35. CCN-Groups of Order Divisible by Three Primes
  36. ${\rm CCN}$-groups of order divisible by three primes
  37. Extension of Hajós' factorization theorem to some non‐abelian groups
  38. Axial Submental Nasal Film