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  1. Assessing the acceptance of technological implants (the cyborg): Evidences and challenges
  2. Model of acceptance of a new type of beverage: application to natural sparkling red wine
  3. Influence of radio spokesperson gender and vocal pitch on advertising effectiveness: The role of listener gender
  4. Do Affective Variables Make a Difference in Consumers Behavior Toward Mobile Advertising?
  5. How does the radio spokesperson’s voice influence credibility?
  6. Cognitive-affective model of acceptance of mobile phone advertising
  7. A proposal for a new system of classification for hotels based on information taken from a multi-sponsor loyalty program
  8. Nanoimplants that Enhance Human Capabilities: A Cognitive-Affective Approach to Assess Individuals’ Acceptance of this Controversial Technology
  9. Formatos de publicidad no convencional en televisión versus spots: un análisis basado en el recuerdo
  10. Multi-Vendor Loyalty Programs: Influencing Customer Behavioral Loyalty?
  11. Assessing the Moderating Effect of the End User in Consumer Behavior: The Acceptance of Technological Implants to Increase Innate Human Capacities
  12. The Effects of Accent, Differentiation, and Stigmatization on Spokesperson Credibility in Radio Advertising
  13. Spot Length and Unaided Recall in Television: Optimizing Media Planning Variables in Advertising Breaks
  14. Effectiveness of radio spokesperson's gender, vocal pitch and accent and the use of music in radio advertising
  15. Attitudes toward mobile advertising among users versus non-users of the mobile Internet
  16. Music in radio advertising: Effects on radio spokesperson credibility and advertising effectiveness
  17. Effectiveness of advertising formats in television
  19. Aspectos legales de la publicidad en televisión y la defensa de lso derechos de las audiencias
  20. Antecedents and Consequences of Attitude Toward Mobile Advertising: The Spanish Case Study
  21. The Effectiveness of New Television Advertising Formats – A Real-Time Experiment in Spain
  22. Controlling Uncertainty in a Spanish National and European Setting Faced with Illicit Advertising
  23. Research on tourist demand in Spain: An analysis and summary