All Stories

  1. Consistency and Gradiency in Speech Perception: Differential Impacts on Initial Lexical Activation and Speech Perception Flexibility in Spanish (L1) and English (L2)
  2. Sensitivity to Subphonemic Differences in First Language Predicts Vocabulary Size in a Foreign Language
  3. Spoken Word Recognition: A Focus on Plasticity
  4. Don't force it! Gradient speech categorization calls for continuous categorization tasks
  5. Wait long and prosper! Delaying production alleviates its detrimental effect on word learning
  6. Don’t Force It! Gradient Speech Categorization Calls for Continuous Categorization Tasks
  7. Reconciling the contradictory effects of production on word learning: Production may help at first, but it hurts later.
  8. Idiosyncratic use of bottom-up and top-down information leads to differences in speech perception flexibility: Converging evidence from ERPs and eye-tracking
  9. On the Locus of L2 Lexical Fuzziness: Insights From L1 Spoken Word Recognition and Novel Word Learning
  10. Gradient phoneme categorization helps listeners recover from mispronunciations
  11. On the locus of individual differences in perceptual flexibility: ERP evidence for perceptual warping of speech sounds
  12. Individual differences in speech perception: Evidence for gradiency in the face of category-driven perceptual warping
  13. Dynamic EEG analysis during language comprehension reveals interactive cascades between perceptual processing and sentential expectations
  14. Greek word recognition by Greek readers and the DRC model
  15. Gradient activation of speech categories facilitates listeners’ recovery from lexical garden paths, but not perception of speech-in-noise
  16. Dynamic EEG analysis during language comprehension reveals interactive cascades between perceptual processing and sentential expectations
  17. Lip-Reading Enables the Brain to Synthesize Auditory Features of Unknown Silent Speech
  18. Speaker's voice can be part of lexical representations
  19. Effect of deep brain stimulation on vocal motor control mechanisms in Parkinson's disease
  20. Any leftovers from a discarded prediction? Evidence from eye-movements during sentence comprehension
  21. Realtime integration of acoustic input and semantic expectations in speech processing: evidence from electroencephalography
  22. Evaluating the sources and functions of gradiency in phoneme categorization: An individual differences approach.
  23. Visual word recognition in Greek: Behavioral data and DRC model simulations
  24. Evaluating cognitive models of visual word recognition using fMRI: Effects of lexical and sublexical variables
  25. Training alters the resolution of lexical interference: Evidence for plasticity of competition and inhibition.
  26. Short-term and long-term effects on visual word recognition.
  27. Newly learned word forms are abstract and integrated immediately after acquisition
  28. Immediate lexical integration of novel word forms
  29. Triangulating the GRID: A corpus-based cognitive linguistic analysis of five Greek emotion terms1
  30. The young and the meaningless: Novel-word learning without meaning or sleep