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  1. Indoleamine-pyrrole 2,3-dioxygenase-1 (IDO-1) mRNA is over-expressed in the duodenal mucosa and is negatively correlated with serum tryptophan concentrations in dogs with protein-losing enteropathy
  2. Interleukin‐13 and interleukin‐33 mRNA are underexpressed in the duodenal mucosa of German Shepherd dogs with chronic enteropathy
  3. Exploring early life events including diet in cats presenting for gastrointestinal signs in later life
  4. A preliminary study assessing cytokine production following ex vivo stimulation of whole blood with diet in dogs with chronic enteropathy
  5. Association of chronic enteropathy activity index, blood urea concentration, and risk of death in dogs with protein‐losing enteropathy
  6. Increased eosinophils in canine intestinal inflammation
  7. Alterations in serum amino acid concentrations in dogs with protein-losing enteropathy
  8. Effect of premedication with butorphanol or methadone on ease of endoscopic duodenal intubation in dogs
  9. Whole-Blood Taurine Concentrations in Cats With Intestinal Disease
  10. Comparison of 3 Handling Techniques for Endoscopically Obtained Gastric and Duodenal Biopsy Specimens: A Prospective Study in Dogs and Cats
  11. CampylobacterSpecies and Neutrophilic Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Cats
  12. Bacterial Cholangitis, Cholecystitis, or both in Dogs
  13. Endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs and cats
  14. Access is Open
  15. Design of a Simplified Histopathologic Model for Gastrointestinal Inflammation in Dogs
  16. Mechanisms, causes, investigation and management of vomiting disorders in cats: a literature review
  17. Small Intestine
  18. Frequency of the mutantMDR1allele in dogs in the UK
  19. Serum cobalamin concentrations in cats with gastrointestinal signs: correlation with histopathological findings and duration of clinical signs
  20. Antibiotic-Responsive Diarrhea in Small Animals
  21. Assessment of liver function in dogs using the 13C-galactose breath test
  22. Comparison of survival after surgical or medical treatment in dogs with a congenital portosystemic shunt
  23. Endoscopic, Biopsy, and Histopathologic Guidelines for the Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Inflammation in Companion Animals
  24. Comparison of Histopathologic Findings in Biopsies from the Duodenum and Ileum of Dogs with Enteropathy
  25. Effect of Tissue Processing on Assessment of Endoscopic Intestinal Biopsies in Dogs and Cats
  26. Emesis in dogs: a review
  27. Prevalence of Potentially Pathogenic Enteric Organisms in Clinically Healthy Kittens in the UK
  28. Effect of Sample Quality on the Sensitivity of Endoscopic Biopsy for Detecting Gastric and Duodenal Lesions in Dogs and Cats
  29. Effect of storage on microcytosis observed in dogs with portosystemic vascular anomalies
  30. Histopathological Standards for the Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Inflammation in Endoscopic Biopsy Samples from the Dog and Cat: A Report from the World Small Animal Veterinary Association Gastrointestinal Standardization Group
  31. Bacterial cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis with or without concurrent cholecystitis in four dogs
  32. Detection of allelic variants of the canine IGHA gene by fluorescence resonance energy transfer melting temperature examination
  33. Ultrasonographic evaluation of the thickness of the small intestinal wall in dogs with inflammatory bowel disease
  34. Hyperammonaemic encephalopathy secondary to selective cobalamin deficiency in a juvenile Border collie
  35. Cytokine mRNA Quantification in Duodenal Mucosa from Dogs with Chronic Enteropathies by Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
  36. Cytokine mRNA quantification in histologically normal canine duodenal mucosa by real-time RT-PCR
  37. Measurement of messenger RNA encoding the -chain, polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, and J-chain in duodenal mucosa from dogs with and without chronic diarrhea by use of quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assays
  38. Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction in a Cat Caused by Visceral Myopathy
  39. Measurement of Immunoglobulin Concentrations in the Feces of Healthy Dogs
  40. Identification of four allelic variants of the dog IGHA gene
  41. Real-time RT-PCR: considerations for efficient and sensitive assay design
  42. Serum IgE and IgG responses to food antigens in normal and atopic dogs, and dogs with gastrointestinal disease
  43. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR measurement of mRNA encoding α-chain, pIgR and J-chain from canine duodenal mucosa
  44. Eosinophilic diseases in two Cavalier King Charles spaniels
  45. Immune Cell Populations within the Duodenal Mucosa of Dogs with Enteropathies
  46. Relative deficiency in IgA production by duodenal explants from German shepherd dogs with small intestinal disease
  47. An Immunohistochemical Study of Histiocytic Ulcerative Colitis in Boxer Dogs
  48. The Distribution of Lymphocytes Expressing αβ and γδ T-cell Receptors, and the Expression of Mucosal Addressin Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 in the Canine Intestine
  49. Analysis of Leucocyte Subsets in the Canine Intestine
  50. Erratum
  51. Measurement of IgG, IgM and IgA concentrations in canine serum, saliva, tears and bile
  52. Expression of major histocompatibility complex class II antigens in the canine intestine
  53. Immune responses to dietary antigens in gluten-sensitive enteropathy of Irish setters
  54. Abnormal permeability precedes the development of a gluten sensitive enteropathy in Irish setter dogs.
  55. Differential sugar absorption for the assessment of canine intestinal permeability: The cellobiose/mannitol test in gluten-sensitive enteropathy of Irish setters