All Stories

  2. Phraseologie – offene Fragen
  3. Parallel corpus as a tool for semantic analysis: The Russian discourse marker stalo byt' (‘consequently’)
  5. Lifetime Linguistic Inspirations
  6. Proceedings of 50th International Philological Conference in Memory of Professor Ludmila Verbitskaya (1936–2019)
  8. Principles of describing obscene idioms
  9. Konstruktionen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik
  11. German-Russian parallel corpus as an instrument for studying the modality of obligation: Оn semantic differences between müssen and sollen
  12. Evaluation as a Source of Deontic Modality
  13. Wissen, Denken und Gewissheit. Mentale Verben im russischen philosophischen Diskurs
  14. Individual Style of Dostoevsky: Dimensions of Investigation
  15. Russian constructions with nu i in parallel corpora
  16. Preface
  17. On some specific features of conventional figurative language (Acerca de algunas características específicas del lenguaje figurado convencional)
  18. Семантика опасения и русские дискурсивные конструкции того и гляди, чего доброго и не ровён час (по данным корпусов)
  19. Русские дистрибутивные конструкции типа кто куда: когнитивные стереотипы и межъязыковые соответствия
  20. On a special type of necessity modality: The German verb sollen viewed from parallel corpora
  21. Idioms of Dostoevsky from the Perspective of the Present-Day Speaker of Russian
  22. German constructional phrasemes and their Russian counterparts
  23. Teaching and Learning Phraseology in the XXI Century Phraseologie Lehren und Lernen im 21. Jahrhundert
  24. Realization of the number category of nouns in Russian idioms: grammar, inner form, and meaning
  25. Corpus-based approach to phraseology research: New evidence from parallel corpora
  26. Semantic differences between Polish and Russian lexical units originating from the same source (lekcja vs lektsiya: on cultural specificity)
  27. «Показатели безразличия» в русско-немецком корпусе параллельных текстов
  28. Idiomaticity of reduplicated forms
  29. On Information Types in a Bilingual Dictionary
  30. Группа конструкций ну и Х: семантика, прагматика, сочетаемость
  31. Специальный выпуск: Фразеология и Грамматика конструкций в русском языке
  32. Корпусное исследование квазисинонимичных конструкций возьми и vimp. vs. взял и v3pers
  33. Idiom motivation
  34. A tribute to the life of Elisabeth Piirainen
  35. Кстати и некстати: к речевым практикам Достоевского
  36. 6. Phraseme aus kognitiver und kontrastiver Sicht
  37. Hе mо Чmобы X – Nicht dass X. Konvergenz und Divergenz eines produktiven Musters
  38. Russian language-specific items and their correlates in translation: The case of chto ni govori ‘say what you will’
  39. Konstruktionspatterns in der Idiomatik und ihre kognitiven Grundlagen
  40. Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology
  41. The discursive construction n v tom, čto and its parallels in other languages: a contrastive corpus study
  42. Construction Grammar and phraseology
  43. Constructions to-to i N, v tom-to i N, v tom-to i ves' < ves' i> N: a corpus-based study
  44. Idiome und ihre kommunikative Leistung
  45. Text corpora and bilingual phraseography
  46. Entrenched Lexical Patterns: The Russian Construction N
  47. Introduction
  48. Contents, Contexts, Comments Round Table Discussion
  49. Informationsstrukturen in Kontrast
  50. On the Systematic Variation of German Idioms: Converse Pairs as a Constructional Phenomenon
  51. Bewertung durch Adjektive. Ansätze einer korpusgestützten Untersuchung zur Synonymie
  52. Pragmatic potential of Russian discursive units: a constructional approach
  53. Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2015
  54. Phraseologie im Wörterbuch
  55. Idioms: Motivation and etymology
  56. Russian phraseology
  57. Cognitive approaches to idiom analysis
  58. Schiß und Espenlaub: Idiome der Angst
  59. Michael Duhme: Phraseologie der deutschen Wirtschaftssprache. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Verwendung von Phraseologismen in journalistischen Fachtexten