All Stories

  1. Introduction to “Media Language and Discourse in Cultural China”
  2. Media Language and Discourse in Cultural China
  3. Writing-Mediated Interaction Face-to-Face: Sinitic Brushtalk (漢文筆談) as an Age-Old Lingua-Cultural Practice in Premodern East Asian Cross-Border Communication
  4. Sinography: The Borrowing and Adaptation of the Chinese Script, written by Zev Handel
  5. Silent conversation through Brushtalk (筆談): The use of Sinitic as a scripta franca in early modern East Asia
  6. Learning Cantonese as an additional language (CAL) or not: What the CAL learners say
  7. monosyllabic salience
  8. ‘Perfective paradox’
  9. Towards ‘biliteracy and trilingualism’ in Hong Kong (SAR)
  10. Review of Prescott (2007): English in Southeast Asia: Varieties, Literacies and Literatures
  11. Review of Chan (2003): Aspects of the Syntax, the Pragmatics, and the Production of Code-Switching. Cantonese and English
  12. Phonetic Borrowing
  13. The Functions and Status of English in Hong Kong