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  1. Can financial incentives for providers reduce costs of care for psychiatric patients?
  2. Can a Treatment Program Reduce Veterans risk of being reincarcerated?
  3. How does post-traumatic stress contribute to a Veteran's Involvement in the Criminal Justice System?
  4. Peer-supported mobile mental health for veterans in primary care: A pilot study.
  5. Implementation Potential of Moral Reconation Therapy for Criminal Recidivism in Mental Health Residential Programs
  6. A randomized controlled trial of moral reconation therapy to reduce risk for criminal recidivism among justice-involved adults in mental health residential treatment.
  7. Can psychopathic traits predict an individuals experiences in an addiction treatment?
  8. Peer-supported mobile health for treating alcohol use problems in US veterans
  9. Latent variable modeling of item-based factor scales: Comment on Triarchic or septarchic?—Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure’s (TriPM) Structure, by Roy et al.
  10. Customizing a clinical app to reduce hazardous drinking among veterans in primary care.
  11. Reducing Frequent Utilization of Psychiatric Emergency Services Among Veterans While Maintaining Quality of Care
  12. Implementation Potential of Structured Risk Assessments for Criminal Recidivism in the Veterans Health Administration: Qualitative Perspectives From Providers
  13. Risk of Recidivism Among Justice-Involved Veterans
  14. Services for US veterans to help them break the cycle of criminal recidivism