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  1. Being Real in Therapy
  2. Personality traits and processes: Invited commentary on Miskewicz et al. (2022).
  3. The DSM should replace maladaptive traits with the five-factor model: Comment on Clark and Watson (2022).
  4. Refining the maturity principle of personality development by examining facets, close others, and comaturation.
  5. The role of temperament in the onset of suicidal ideation and behaviors across adolescence: Findings from a 10-year longitudinal study of Mexican-origin youth.
  6. Antisocial personality traits transcend species.
  7. Dynamic features of affect and interpersonal behavior in relation to general and specific personality pathology.
  8. A variance decomposition of the Continuous Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics.
  9. Does psychological testing help clients?
  10. Latent variable modeling of item-based factor scales: Comment on Triarchic or septarchic?—Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure’s (TriPM) Structure, by Roy et al.
  11. Why stop at two opinions? Reply to McCrae (2020).
  12. Health, environmental, and animal rights motives for vegetarian eating
  13. Introduction to a New Clinical Applications Section: Positive Response Sets in Personality Assessment
  14. Integrating psychotherapy with the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology (HiTOP).
  15. Properties of the Continuous Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics Across Sex, Level of Familiarity, and Interpersonal Conflict
  16. Connections to, Implications of, and Directions for a Cybernetic Theory of Psychopathology
  17. Criterion A of the AMPD in HiTOP
  18. Validity of the DSM–5 Levels of Personality Functioning Scale–Self Report
  19. Suicidality in High-Risk Psychiatric Patients: The Contribution of Protective Factors