All Stories

  1. Long-term trends in the epidemiology of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest precipitated by suspected drug overdose
  2. Temporal Trends in the Incidence, Characteristics, and Outcomes of Hanging-Related Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
  3. Setting priorities for health education research: A mixed methods study
  4. Research utilization barriers for emergency medical technicians in Saudi Arabia
  5. Development of new core competencies for Taiwanese Emergency Medical Technicians
  6. The relationship between empathy and burnout – lessons for paramedics: a scoping review
  7. Professionalism among paramedic students: achieving the measure or missing the mark?
  8. What are the educational and curriculum needs for emergency medical technicians in Taiwan? A scoping review
  9. Paramedic Students' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Preparedness to Manage Intimate Partner Violence Patients
  10. Emotional Intelligence and Personality Traits as Predictors of Occupational Therapy students' Practice Education Performance: A Cross-Sectional Study
  11. A psychometric appraisal of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy using law students
  12. Investigating the psychometric properties of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy in a sample of Malaysian medical students
  13. Overcoming difficult conversations in clinical supervision
  14. Simulation experiences of paramedic students: a cross-cultural examination
  15. Measuring workplace trauma response in Australian paramedics: an investigation into the psychometric properties of the Impact of Event Scale
  16. Procedural skills practice and training needs of doctors, nurses, midwives and paramedics in rural Victoria
  17. Levels of empathy in undergraduate emergency health, nursing, and midwifery students: a longitudinal study
  18. Empathy levels among health professional students: a cross-sectional study at two universities in Australia
  19. Empathy levels among first year Malaysian medical students: an observational study
  20. Next generation paramedics, agents of change, or time for curricula renewal?
  21. Can eye-tracking technology improve situational awareness in paramedic clinical education?
  22. Paramedic empathy levels: results from seven Australian universities