All Stories

  1. Dynamische Preisgestaltung in der digitalisierten Welt
  2. The impact of online display advertising and paid search advertising relative to offline advertising on firm performance and firm value
  3. Consumer Protection on Kickstarter
  4. Estimating Network Effects in Two-Sided Markets
  5. Pricing Metrics and the Importance of Minimum and Billing Increments
  6. Prospect theory in a dynamic game: Theory and evidence from online pay-per-bid auctions
  7. Data analytics in a privacy-concerned world
  8. Why do consumers prefer static instead of dynamic pricing plans? An empirical study for a better understanding of the low preferences for time-variant pricing plans
  9. Helping Merchants to Assess the Profitability of Deal-of-the-Day Promotions
  10. How Customer Referral Programs Turn Social Capital into Economic Capital
  11. Time preferences and the pricing of complementary durables and consumables
  12. Beyond Posted Prices: the Past, Present, and Future of Participative Pricing Mechanisms
  13. What should be the dependent variable in marketing-related event studies?
  14. Firms and Investors benefit from disclosing customer metrics
  15. Using Big Search Data to Map Your Market: Marketing in a Digital Age
  16. Two New Features in Discrete Choice Experiments to Improve Willingness-to-Pay Estimation That Result in SDR and SADR: Separated (Adaptive) Dual Response
  17. Data, Data and Even More Data: Harvesting Insights From the Data Jungle
  18. Data Analysis Trumps Specialist Advice: How Direct Banks Function
  19. Editorial
  20. Visualizing Asymmetric Competition Among More Than 1,000 Products Using Big Search Data
  21. What makes deal-of-the-day promotions really effective? The interplay of discount and time constraint with product type
  22. Advance payment systems: Paying too much today and being satisfied tomorrow
  23. A comparison of different pay-per-bid auction formats
  24. The Impact of Buy-Now Features in Pay-per-Bid Auctions
  25. Measurement of preferences with self-explicated approaches: A classification and merge of trade-off- and non-trade-off-based evaluation types
  26. On the Edge of Buying: A Targeting Approach for Indecisive Buyers Based on Willingness-to-Pay Ranges
  27. Empirical Generalizations in Search Engine Advertising
  28. Effect of Time Preferences on Optimal Prices and Profitability of Advance Selling
  29. Not All Fun and Games: Viral Marketing for Utilitarian Products
  30. Stock Market Returns to Financial Innovations Before and During the Financial Crisis in the United States and Europe
  31. Managing Customer Relationships in the Social Media Era: Introducing the Social CRM House
  32. Optimal Product-Sampling Strategies in Social Networks: How Many and Whom to Target?
  33. Comparing methods to separate treatment from self-selection effects in an online banking setting
  34. Utilizing customer metrics in the digital age
  35. Practice Prize Paper—PROSAD: A Bidding Decision Support System for Profit Optimizing Search Engine Advertising
  36. Sönke Albers zum 65. Geburtstag
  37. Prediction Market Performance and Market Liquidity: A Comparison of Automated Market Makers
  38. Stock Market Returns to Financial Innovations Before and During the Financial Crisis in US and Europe
  39. Etude du lien entre I'intention de recommander une entreprise et la valeur a vie de ses clients
  40. An Analysis of the Link between Customers' Intention to Recommend a Firm and the Lifetime Value of its Customers
  41. Return on Quality Improvements in Search Engine Marketing
  42. Elektronische Kreditmarktplätze: Funktionsweise, Gestaltung und Erkenntnisstand bei dieser Form des „Peer-to-Peer Lending“
  43. Measurement of consumer preferences for bucket pricing plans with different service attributes
  44. Willingness-to-pay estimation with choice-based conjoint analysis: Addressing extreme response behavior with individually adapted designs
  45. Impact of online channel use on customer revenues and costs to serve: Considering product portfolios and self-selection
  46. Using discrete choice experiments to estimate willingness-to-pay intervals
  47. Retailers' Use of Shipping Cost Strategies: Free Shipping or Partitioned Prices?
  48. Linking Customer and Financial Metrics to Shareholder Value: The Leverage Effect in Customer-Based Valuation
  49. Bid-Elicitation Interfaces and Bidding Behavior in Retail Interactive Pricing
  50. An analysis of the profitability of fee-based compensation plans for search engine marketing
  51. DISE: Dynamic Intelligent Survey Engine
  52. Fundamentals of Prediction Markets
  53. Applications of Prediction Markets
  54. Key Design Elements of Prediction Markets
  55. Introduction
  56. Seeding Strategies for Viral Marketing: An Empirical Comparison
  57. Measuring Consumers' Preferences for Metered Pricing of Services
  58. Sourcing, Filtering, and Evaluating New Product Ideas: An Empirical Exploration of the Performance of Idea Markets
  59. Customer Equity Sustainability Ratio: A New Metric for Assessing a Firm's Future Orientation
  60. Drivers of the Long Tail Phenomenon: An Empirical Analysis
  61. Second-Generation Prediction Markets for Information Aggregation: A Comparison of Payoff Mechanisms
  62. Customer Lifetime Value and Customer Equity Models Using Company-reported Summary Data
  63. Referral Programs and Customer Value
  64. Optimization and analysis of the profitability of tariff structures with two-part tariffs
  65. Prediction Markets as institutional forecasting support systems
  66. An analysis of the importance of the long tail in search engine marketing
  67. Time preference and the welfare effects of tie-in sales
  68. The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships
  69. Vickrey vs. eBay: Why Second-Price Sealed-Bid Auctions Lead to More Realistic Price-Demand Functions
  70. Tariff-Specific Preferences and Their Influence on Price Sensitivity
  71. Überprüfung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Weiterempfehlungsbereitschaft und Kundenwert
  72. Web 2.0 im Retail Banking
  73. Differences in the Ability of Structural and Reduced-Form Models to Improve Pricing Decisions
  74. Schätzung von Zahlungsbereitschaftsintervallen mit der Choice-Based Conjoint-Analyse
  75. Dashboards as a Service
  76. Antecedents and consequences of Internet channel performance
  77. Identification of Lead Users for Consumer Products via Virtual Stock Markets
  78. Sports forecasting: a comparison of the forecast accuracy of prediction markets, betting odds and tipsters
  79. Second-Generation Prediction Markets for Information Aggregation: A Comparison of Payoff Mechanisms
  80. Customer Equity: An Integral Part of Financial Reporting
  81. Prioritizing Sales Force Decision Areas for Productivity Improvements using a Core Sales Response Function
  82. Modellierung des Gebotsverhaltens im Reverse Pricing
  83. Does Uncertainty Matter? Consumer Behavior Under Three-Part Tariffs
  84. Unternehmensbewertung auf der Basis von Kundenlebenswerten
  85. Einfluss der Nutzung des Online-Bankings auf das Produktnutzungsverhalten und die Profitabilität von Bankkunden
  86. Erlösmodelle im Internet
  87. Evaluating channel performance in multi-channel environments
  88. Incentive-Compatible Measurement of Willingness-to-Pay Using Real-Life Transactions: An Application for Vickrey Auctions in Commercial Settings
  89. Ursachen eines Flatrate-Bias — Systematisierung und Messung der Einflussfaktoren
  90. Paying Too Much and Being Happy About It: Existence, Causes, and Consequences of Tariff-Choice Biases
  91. PREMIUM: Preis- und Erlösmodelle im Internet – Umsetzung und Marktchancen (PREMIUM: Price and Revenue Model on the Internet)
  92. Interview with Hemant Bhargava on “Pricing on the Internet”
  93. Internetökonomie
  94. Erlösquellen und Preismodelle für den Business-to-Consumer-Bereich im Internet
  95. Einsatzm�glichkeiten der Matching Methode zur Ber�cksichtigung von Selbstselektion
  96. Reverse-Pricing-Verfahren und deren Möglichkeiten zur Messung von individuellen Suchkosten und Zahlungsbereitschaften
  97. Financial-Chain-Management
  98. Gestaltung von Auktionen
  99. Measuring individual frictional costs and willingness-to-pay via name-your-own-price mechanisms
  100. Internet-Based Virtual Stock Markets for Business Forecasting
  101. Auktionen
  102. Measuring Consumers’ Willingness to Pay at the Point of Purchase
  103. Erlösmodelle im Internet
  104. Flexible Preisgestaltung im Electronic Business
  105. Berechnung von Nutzenfunktionen und Marktsimulationen mit Hilfe der Conjoint-Analyse (Teil I)
  106. Berechnung von Nutzenfunktionen und Marktsimulationen mit Hilfe der Conjoint-Analyse (Teil 2)
  107. Regressionsanalyse
  108. Umsatzvorgaben für Außendienstmitarbeiter
  109. Flexible Preisgestaltung im Electronic Business
  110. Erlösmodelle im Internet
  111. Werbeerfolgskontrolle im Internet
  112. The ability to compensate for suboptimal capacity decisions by optimal pricing decisions
  113. Auktionen als Instrument zur Erhebung von Zahlungsbereitschaften
  114. Regressionsanalyse
  115. Umsatzvorgaben für Außendienstmitarbeiter
  116. COSTA: Verkaufsgebietseinteilung zur Maximierung des Deckungsbeitrags
  117. TACO: Eine neue Möglichkeit zum Vergleich von Mobilfunktarifen
  118. COSTA: Contribution Optimizing Sales Territory Alignment
  119. COSTA: Verkaufsgebietseinteilung zur Maximierung des Deckungsbeitrags
  120. Schlußfolgerungen
  121. Deckungsbeitragsmaximale Verkaufsgebietseinteilung
  122. Anwendung des Entscheidungsmodells COSTA zur deckungsbeitragsmaximalen Verkaufsgebietseinteilung
  123. Eine Simulationsstudie zur Gütebeurteilung der gegenwärtigen Vorgehensweise
  124. Verkaufsgebietseinteilung zur Maximierung des Deckungsbeitrags
  125. Customer-based valuation: similarities and differences to traditional discounted cash flow models
  126. Time Preferences and the Pricing of Complementary Durables and Consumables
  127. It's All in How You Ask: Effects of Bid-Elicitation Format on Bidding Behavior in Reverse-Pricing Markets
  128. Customer equity reporting*