All Stories

  1. Mini-ACE: Validation Study Among Older People in Long-Term Care
  2. Functionality and loneliness in older people: Model of mediation by positive affect
  3. A simpler way to assess emotional well-being in older adults
  4. A quick test for loneliness: The Portuguese Three-Item Scale
  5. The link between emotional struggles and aggressiveness in older nursing home residents
  6. Sleep disruption and pandemic-related dreams
  7. The emotional bridge between disability and depression in aging adults
  8. Children’s social and emotional behavior: Role of maternal emotion regulation, psychopathological symptomatology, and family functioning
  9. Corrigendum to Validation of the geriatric sleep questionnaire [Sleep Medicine 88 (2021) 162–168]
  10. Alexithymia and aggressiveness in old age: Mediation by impulsivity and emotion dysregulation
  11. Values, ethics & theoretical perspectives of the Hartford Geriatric Social Work Competency Scale-II
  12. Specific assessment of subjective sleep quality in old age.
  13. Validation of Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices
  14. Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale – Version IV (FACES IV): Validation Study in the Portuguese Population
  15. Validity and reliability of a shorter version of the Geriatric Depression Scale in institutionalized older Portuguese adults
  16. Validação da PANAS numa amostra portuguesa de pessoas idosas em resposta social
  17. Propriedades psicométricas da Frontal Assessment Battery na esclerose múltipla
  18. Rastreio cognitivo em estruturas residenciais para pessoas idosas no Concelho de Miranda do Corvo, Portugal
  19. Trajetos do envelhecimento: perspetivas teóricas e empíricas
  20. Défice cognitivo e demência
  21. Funcionalidade e envelhecimento
  22. Envelhecimento e saúde mental: I - Ansiedade
  23. Envelhecimento e saúde mental: II - Depressão
  24. O sono na idade avançada
  25. Otimismo e esperança na idade avançada
  26. Errata a: Calcular e apresentar tamanhos do efeito em trabalhos científicos (1): As limitações do p < 0,05 na análise de diferenças de médias de dois grupos
  27. Questões emocionais e avaliação em adolescentes e adultos jovens
  28. Calcular e apresentar tamanhos do efeito em trabalhos científicos (3): Guia para reportar os tamanhos do efeito para análises de regressão e ANOVAs
  29. Validação da versão portuguesa de Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire em idosos institucionalizados
  30. Editorial: o bem-estar humano sob diferentes perspetivas
  31. Optimism among institutionalized older people
  32. Quality of life related to the health and socio-economic resources of the elderly
  33. Corrigendum
  34. Calcular e apresentar tamanhos do efeito em trabalhos científicos (2): Guia para reportar a força das relações
  35. Editorial: A validade nos instrumentos de avaliação
  36. How to assess handedness through a simple questionnaire
  37. Music and ballet practice in childhood and adolescence
  38. Avaliação breve do défice executivo em pessoas idosas com Acidente Vascular Cerebral: Validação da Bateria de Avaliação Frontal
  39. Memória e envelhecimento: Qual o real impacto da idade?
  40. Propriedades psicométricas da versão Torga do Teste Stroop
  41. Qualidade subjetiva do sono, sintomas depressivos, sentimentos de solidão e institucionalização em pessoas idosas
  42. Mental health, self-compassion, organizational virtuosity and commitment in workers from local administration
  43. Mindfulness, self-compassion and spiritual well-being in chronic depression
  44. A neuropsychological group rehabilitation program with institutionalized elderly
  45. Self-criticism and self-compassion role in the occurrence of insomnia on college students
  46. The temporal evolution of life satisfaction in institutionalized elderly: A longitudinal study
  47. Dissociative Experiences and Psychopathology Among Inmates in Italian and Portuguese Prisons
  48. Propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do Inventário Geriátrico de Ansiedade numa amostra de idosos utentes de estruturas residenciais
  49. Reabilitação Neuropsicológica Grupal de idosos institucionalizados com Défice Cognitivo sem Demência
  50. Struktura czynnikowa Skali Przeżyć Dysocjacyjnych: włoska wersja skali DES-II
  51. Depressive and Anxious Symptoms, Stress, Coping and Resilience in Probation Officers
  52. Parent´s Perception On Sleep and Internalizing/externalizing Behavior Problems in Children From Six to Eleven Years Old
  53. Parental Rearing Styles, Selfcriticism and Selfcompassion: Parent´s Perception
  54. Calcular e apresentar tamanhos do efeito em trabalhos científicos (1): As limitações do p < 0,05 na análise de diferenças de médias de dois grupos
  55. Editorial inaugural
  56. University students' psychopathology: correlates and the examiner's potential bias effect
  57. Depressive symptoms evolution in elderly people
  58. EPA-1716 – The Portuguese geriatric anxiety inventory-short form: psychometric properties
  59. EPA-1621 – Traumatic and dissociative experiences in a sample of portuguese patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
  60. EPA-1622 – Psychometrics and correlates of the adolescent dissociative experiences scale in psychological disturbed and normal portuguese adolescents
  61. EPA-1653 – Risk and protective factors of depression in institutionalized elderly
  62. EPA-1657 – The impact of a neuropsychological rehabilitation group program (NRGP) on cognitive and emotional functioning in institutionalized elderly
  63. EPA-1700 – The role of childhood positive memories, mindfulness, and hope, in emotional states in adolescence
  64. EPA-1701 – Social values assessment in adolescence: exploratory study of the psychometric properties of the social values survey and its relationship with affective states and hope
  65. EPA-1703 – Hope and well-being in the elderly
  66. 1213 – Parental rearing styles, eating habits/behaviours and eating disorders symptoms, in a sample of adolescents
  67. 1223 – Executive functions, visuoconstructive ability and memory in institutionalized elderly
  68. 1225 – Sex differences in eating habits/behaviours and eating disorders symptoms, in a sample of adolescents
  69. 1227 – Differences in eating habits/behaviours and eating disorders symptoms in adolescents from a rural and a urban school
  70. 1230 – Selective attention and cognitive decline in institutionalized elderly
  71. 1405 – Early memories of positive emotions and its relationships to attachment styles, self-compassion and psychopathology in adolescence
  72. 1513 – Exploratory study of risk-taking and self-harm behaviours in adolescents: prevalence, characteristics and its relationship to attachment styles
  73. 1544 – The portuguese traumatic experiences checklist (tec): psychometrics and prevalence of traumatic experiences
  74. 1545 – Inmates trauma and dissociation
  75. 1547 – Psychoform and somatoform dissociation severity in eating disorders (ed)
  76. 1548 – Correlates of psychoform and somatoform dissociation in eating diosrders (ed)
  77. 1549 – Correlates of elderly loneliness
  78. 1553 – Affectivity and cognitive functioning in institutionalized elderly
  79. 1554 – Verbal fluencies associated factors in elderly
  80. 1556 – Social suport, mental health, and satisfaction with life in institutionalized elderly
  81. 1563 – The examiner's effect on the measurement of dissociation and other psychopathological symptoms in college students
  82. 1572 – Medication adherence and cognitive functioning in depressive disorders
  83. 1573 – Pain disorder and traumatic experiences
  84. 2234 – Intergenerational transmission of perceived parental rearing styles: a three generation families study
  85. 2235 – Personality dimensions and dissociation in a portuguese sample
  86. 2336 – Deficit institutionalization: cognitive screening of institutionalized elderlies
  87. 2374 – Traumatic experiences and humor disorders
  88. 2164 – The role of parental rearing styles in the perception of college adolescents’ anxiety symptoms
  89. Psychiatric Symptoms and Dissociation in Conversion, Somatization and Dissociative Disorders
  90. Portuguese Validation of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)
  91. Demographic and Mental Health Factors Associated with Pathological Dissociation in a Portuguese Sample
  92. Dissociative disorders and other psychopathological groups: exploring the differences through the Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20)