What is it about?

We know that stepping exercise can improve aerobic fitness in middle-aged and older adults, but we wanted to know if muscular strength could also be improved. We looked at the effects of stepping while wearing a weighted vest to see if this type of training could improve strength, power and functional abilities in older women.

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Why is it important?

We found that that training did improve functional fitness - particularly power, which tends to decline quickly in older adults. We recommend home-based weighted stepping as an exercise prescription for those at risk of falls, frailty and loss of independence. This approach can also help older women meet physical activity guidelines for muscular strength and fitness.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Low Volume, Home-Based Weighted Step Exercise Training Can Improve Lower Limb Muscle Power and Functional Ability in Community-Dwelling Older Women, Journal of Clinical Medicine, January 2019, MDPI AG,
DOI: 10.3390/jcm8010041.
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