What is it about?
In most countries, companies are obliged to monitor health and safety risks in order to provide a relatively safe working environment. The Health and Safety department will usually take care of this. Another department, the Human Resources Department, will usually undertake actions to create a stimulating, resourceful working environment. We show that these two goals can easily be accomplished in a single assessment.
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Why is it important?
First of all, we showed that the Dutch language version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire is psychometrically sound. Secondly, we advocate that it might be beneficial if departments with different goals cooperate. A single assessment will then not only aim to avoid psychosocial risks at work, but also further a stimulating environment with attention for sustainable employability
It is nice that a questionnaire that is used already so often in so many countries can now also be used in the Netherlands, as a reference to its validation is now available. I am also very happy with the message that a focus on avoiding harm can easily be combined with a more positive goal. Interpret the data from a COPSOQ assessment in order to further engagement or sustainable employability
Gérard Näring
Radboud Universiteit
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Using health and safety monitoring routines to enhance sustainable employability, WORK A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, November 2021, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/wor-213615.
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