What is it about?

How is post-stroke walking performance assessed? While walking speed is commonly used, it may not be sufficient for tailoring individualized treatment plans. Recent reports highlight a strong connection between post-stroke walking performance and lower limb angles. However, many of these studies use advanced technologies that are not readily available for immediate clinical use. In our study, we utilized smartphones to capture and calculate lower limb angles during walking in post-stroke individuals. Surprisingly, our findings align with previous research, even using a method that clinicians can readily implement. We discovered a significant correlation between lower limb angles and walking speed. Additionally, although the relationship was weaker, the asymmetry in lower limb angles among post-stroke individuals also correlated with walking speed. These results suggest that assessing lower limb angles during post-stroke walking provides a valuable estimate of walking performance. Moreover, if lower limb angles are found to be small, planning interventions to increase them may be a justifiable approach to improving walking performance in post-stroke individuals.

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Why is it important?

Walking is the act of moving forward. To move forward, you need to generate the force to propel yourself ahead. Lower limb angles have been reported to be associated with this forward propulsion. In our study, we calculated lower limb angles from videos captured with smartphones and found a clear connection between the force to move forward (walking speed) and lower limb angles. These results are likely to become a crucial basis for clinicians when conducting gait analysis through video recordings.


In the future, it will be essential to determine whether lower limb angles calculated from videos are associated with the performance of walking as a biomechanical indicator. This exploration will help establish a clear connection between lower limb angles obtained from video analysis and the overall dynamics of walking performance.

Yu Kitaji
Tokyo General Hospital

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Assessing lower limb angles from sagittal plane images captured with a smartphone for post-stroke gait, Physiotherapy Practice and Research, December 2023, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/ppr-230739.
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