What is it about?

The research described the dilation of the right trio in a fetus with remaining normal cardiac anatomy. After birth, the baby had an arrhythmia in the first months of life which required medical therapy and periodic cardiological monitoring. The eldest sister of the same couple had died of cardiac arrhythmia.

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Why is it important?

The dilation of the right atrium is underestimated in the fetal ultrasound of the third trimester when no other cardiac alterations are found. Our report suggests that this ultrasound sign is not always benign, but can be a sign of a post-natal cardiac arrhythmia.


Writing this article was a great both for us authors (Medical Geneticist, Gynecologist, Biologist) and for the couple of parents who finally understood the causes of the tragic event that led to the death of their firstborn. This article also lead to rare disease groups contacting me and ultimately to a greater involvement in rare disease research.

Mariano Stabile
Zygote Center: Center for Genetics - Prenatal Diagnosis - Fertility, 84131 Salerno (Italy)

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Prognostic dilemmas for SIDS in idiopathic fetal right atrium dilatation: Case report and review literature, Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, December 2023, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/npm-230137.
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