What is it about?

Our paper describes the promise of WIOA and Pre-ETS as well as many of these ongoing challenges related to its implementation. We provide recommendations for how federal and state leaders can build on the innovation occurring within Pre-ETS implementation to improve outcomes and achieve the promise WIOA set forth.

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Why is it important?

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) focused on achieving competitive integrated employment (CIE) for people with disabilities. However, along with the promise of opportunity and innovation, WIOA has introduced challenges and complexity in implementing pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS). WIOA focused on achieving competitive integrated employment (CIE) for people with disabilities by establishing it as the primary goal for services and by reallocating resources and emphasizing coordinated service delivery to bend the trajectories of youth with disabilities toward CIE and minimize segregated and subminimum wage alternatives.


Taken as a whole, the articles in this issue represent a comprehensive set of insights into a system in flux, as well as offer best practices in refining and guiding effective Pre-ETS delivery. Our hope is they illuminate both where we currently are in terms of Pre-ETS implementation and point the way forward to the types of innovation, programming, and systems changes that will allow us to significantly improve the trajectories of youth with disabilities as they move from school to work.

Joshua Taylor
Washington State University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The promise and the challenge of pre-employment transition services: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act after ten years, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, March 2024, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/jvr-240002.
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