What is it about?

This paper examines if a novel inflammation biomarker for Alzheimer’s dementia, symmetric dimethylarginine, could differentiate normal participants from those with mild cognitive deficits. This novel biomarker was then compared to an Amyloid biomarker.

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Why is it important?

It is important to develop additional biomarkers that relate to other aspects of Alzheimer's Disease in order to improve early detection of the disease.


It is important to test novel biomarkers that act as predictors of nonamyloid processes linked to the natural history of Alzheimer's. Our findings support the idea that Aβ42 plateaus as a patient progresses into MCI and then decrease in concentration as they advance into dementia.

Elias Granadillo
Medical College of Wisconsin

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Comparing Symmetric Dimethylarginine and Amyloid-β42 as Predictors of Alzheimer’s Disease Development, Journal of Alzheimer s Disease Reports, December 2023, IOS Press,
DOI: 10.3233/adr-230054.
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