What is it about?
System based on a workflow software that allows to modify a record, that is processed through a series of sequential operations until it is finished. Different people are able to successively (in turn) add information to the record. The article explains the problems arised among the workers when the system was put into service because they had to change their work procedures. The new system made all operations transparent.
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Why is it important?
The system allows to easily receive questions, open a record or file, process the information, and finally send the result to the requestor, once it has been processed by a statistics technician. Previously to the system, the management of queries was a mesh, and sometimes they were lost in some statistician desk. With the system now a person is in charge of to watch the situation of every query, being able to control the turnaround time. The time to answer has improved significantly.
After the system was operative for some months, everbody undertood and realised its adavantages, and accepted it as an optimal procedure. No way back!
Mr Tomas Baiget
El profesional de la Información
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Programa work-flow para un servicio de consultas a medida, Profesional de la información, September 2006, EPI SCP (El Profesional de la Informacion),
DOI: 10.3145/epi.2006.sep.05.
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