What is it about?
Mohamed Abdellatif Abdelaaty in this study examines the unanimous validity of claims that "what Allah swore by" in the verse ﴾Verily, by your life... ﴿ is the life of the Messenger Muhammad PBUH.
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Why is it important?
One of the most prominent research results is that the unanimous statement on “what Allah swore by” is inaccurate. The narration attributed to Ibn Abbas is incorrect and is not evidence for a consensus saying or for outbalancing a saying of another in Tafsir. In addition, the context of the verse is controversial, and nothing in it supports the mentioned consensus.
he scientific value of the research extends from its scrutiny of the claim of consensus in Tafsir; it reveals an example of some earlier scholars transferring a consensus that was corrected by a later researcher.
Prof Abdallah El Khatib EiC Journal of college of Sharia and Islamic Studies A. Qatar University
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This page is a summary of: دعوى الإجماع على المقسم به في قوله تعالى: [لَعَمْرُكَ إِنَّهُمْ لَفِي سَكْرَتِهِمْ يَعْمَهُونَ] - دراسة نقدية, Journal of College of Sharia & Islamic Studies, December 2022, Qatar University,
DOI: 10.29117/jcsis.2023.0345.
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