What is it about?
Raymond K. Farrin's article takes up the view that the Qurʾān was left incomplete as a book and did not take final shape until well after the Prophet’s death. It considers whether this may be deemed valid upon analysis of a type of structural binding occurring in the text. Keywords: Qurʾānic composition, Center-periphery connection, Codex Parisino-petropolitanus, Ṣanʿāʾ palimpsest, ʿUthmānic commission
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Why is it important?
The research highlights continuity. This accords with recent stylometric analysis of the text, which shows a coherent stylistic trajectory. It also accords with an examination of the theme of jihād in the Qurʾān, which reveals overall consistency and adherence to core principles.
The research highlights continuity. This accords with recent stylometric analysis of the text, which shows a coherent stylistic trajectory. It also accords with an examination of the theme of jihād in the Qurʾān, which reveals overall consistency and adherence to core principles.
Prof Abdallah El Khatib EiC Journal of college of Sharia and Islamic Studies A. Qatar University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The Composition and Writing of the Quran: Old Explanations and New Evidence, Journal of College of Sharia & Islamic Studies, July 2020, Qatar University,
DOI: 10.29117/jcsis.2020.0258.
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