What is it about?
Fariza Md Sham's and others in this research aim to identifying the level of akhlaq practiced by the young generation. This research discusses one of the most important elements in the life of adolescents. It determines adolescent’s behavior. Good akhlaq is the product of knowledge and an understanding of knowledge gained through formal or informal education. The practice of akhlaq needs to be internalized in every student in order to build self-respect and good behavior. The practice of good akhlaq plays a role in creating a pious person and becomes the measure of balance in Allah’s judgment.
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Why is it important?
: The originality of this paper comes from the empirical studies to identify the level of practice of good akhlaq among young generation especially generation Z. Furthermore, this research is supported by literature review all of the publication in Arabic, English and Malay and also, the source from Islamic scholars and conventional scholars.
The research results find that the highest level of good akhlaq practice among the respondents is the behavior of calmly listening to Quran recitation with a mean score of 4.72, followed by an average and the lowest level of mean score of 3.40, that is, the respondents did not like to loiter. The overall average mean score of 4.44 is high. This shows that the level of good akhlaq practice by polytechnic students in the Central Zone is good but that they are in need of continuous guidance so that good akhlaq can be maintained and enhanced. Gen Z is growing up in a world connected with the ever-growing human-created technology. The generation is often in cyberspace and can connect to every part of the world without boundaries or limitations. Therefore, it is a challenge to apply values and norms based on good akhlaq for Gen Z.
Prof Abdallah El Khatib EiC Journal of college of Sharia and Islamic Studies A. Qatar University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Generation Z and the Level of Islamic Akhlaq Practices, Journal of College of Sharia & Islamic Studies, January 2020, Qatar University,
DOI: 10.29117/jcsis.2020.0246.
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