What is it about?

This study aims at identifying the factors that affect the level of Smartphone addiction of the students and its impact on their academic performance. A structured questionnaire has been developed to gather data from the students. A total of 247 questionnaires were collected from the business students of a university of Bangladesh. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) the data were analyzed.

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Why is it important?

The development of telecom technology has a profound impact on the lives and activities of the people of the world. Smartphone usage became popular to young generation because of its educational and entertaining options by using the numerous apps. Among the young people, students are increasingly using Smartphone. But excessive Smartphone usage usually makes the students addicted to that subconsciously impacts on user’s academic performance, daily activities, physical and mental health and withdrawal tendency, and social relationships.


This study deals with the impact of smartphone addiction on academic performance of business students in Bangladesh.

Dr. Nazrul Islam
Northern University Bangladesh

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Impact of Smartphone Addiction on Academic Performance of Business Students: A Case Study, SSRN Electronic Journal, January 2018, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3236301.
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