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This study examines the incidence and determinants of over- and underqualification among documented migrant workers in the Swiss labour market using cross-matched data from two sources of comprehensive information. At the same time, our statistical analysis aims at investigating the existence of gender differences in terms of brain waste. The main findings show firstly that the incidence of job-education mismatch is higher among first-generation immigrants. Secondly, the duration of residence in the host country plays an important role in the probability of being over- or underqualified. Thirdly, our results support the relatively disadvantaged situation of immigrant women with young children in finding a job commensurate with their education. The conclusion gives some policy recommendations on how to make the best possible use of foreign qualifications of documented migrant workers and avoid any form of deskilling in the host labour market.

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This page is a summary of: Gender, Brain Waste and Job-Education Mismatch among Migrant Workers in Switzerland, SSRN Electronic Journal, January 2011, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2294436.
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