What is it about?

An expectant mother takes us through her journey of pregnancy, childbirth fear and anxiety. We follow her through her labor with a nurse who serves as her coach during her 12 hour labor alongside her supportive spouse. The journey culminates with the joyous birth of her first child.

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Why is it important?

Many women, especially those who have delayed childbirth, have fears about childbirth. This story may help those women as they navigate pregnancy, childbirth education, and labor and delivery. This story highlights the importance of holistic childbirth education and the importance of identifying comfort measures and finding your support system for the labor and birth.


I hope this article can help anyone with childbirth anxiety to transform their fear into action with quality childbirth education, trust of themselves and their chosen support team and lead them to the transformational joy of childbirth. I hope it helps clinicians who work with these women -- particularly first-time mothers-- prepare for and experience childbirth.

Elizabeth Leonard

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Celebrate Birth: Experiencing Profound Joy on the Other Side of Fear: My Unexpected Journey Through Pregnancy and Childbirth, The Journal of Perinatal Education, March 2022, Springer Publishing Company,
DOI: 10.1891/jpe-2022-0002.
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