What is it about?

Pregnancy is unique event, but rather than new gene generations, mammals mostly use those found in non-placental animals. This paper describes that molecules required for lymphocyte homing and those required for cancer metastasis are all functioning during the period of conceptus implantation and placentation. Perhaps more importantly, timing and degree of various gene expression in different cell types are controlled.

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Why is it important?

Our finding show that gene expression and their cell developments are sequencially and continuously coordinated for successful establishment of pregnancy.


I hope this article makes people to look at not single event, but multiple and coordinated events are required, if pregnancy is to be established successfully.

Kazuhiko Imakawa
Kyushu Tokai University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Continuous model of conceptus implantation to the maternal endometrium, Journal of Endocrinology, February 2017, Bioscientifica,
DOI: 10.1530/joe-16-0490.
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