What is it about?
This interview with textile artist Angela Maddock appears in ‘Well-Making and Making-Well: Craft, Design and Everyday Creativity for Health and Well-Being’, a special issue of the Journal of Applied Arts & Health edited by Fiona Hackney, Mah Rana, Nick Gant, and Katie Hill. It explores the concept of well-making – creative making for health and wellbeing – in the context of Maddock’s arts practice, teaching, and research.
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Why is it important?
Describing well-making as a potentially transformative act of making, both physically and psychologically, she aligns it with processes of contributing, building, attaching, and connecting that enable agencies and affects and bring people and things together. The projects discussed range from the knitted performance piece Bloodline, which Maddock co-made with her mother, and quilts made collaboratively with midwifery students from their own repurposed underwear. Knitting process, trauma, family, feminism, and subjectivity are themes that run throughout Maddock’s work, which includes unmaking as much as making, disassembly as well as repurposing in a practice of remaking the self, as well as the stuff of everyday life.
Angela Maddock is a startlingly original artist whose wealth of experience working in the health sector alongside teaching and research in the Arts and Humanities, informs her thinking and textile arts practice. It was a pleasure and a privilege to interview her and benefit from her deeply felt insights into the complex, sometimes troubled, but ultimately rewarding relationship between textiles and health.
Fiona Hackney
Manchester Metropolitan University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Interview with Angela Maddock, Journal of Applied Arts and Health, December 2022, Intellect,
DOI: 10.1386/jaah_00121_7.
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