What is it about?

ALP is the most commonly requested enzyme in medicine. A raised concentration is well recognised by all clinicians as an indicator of liver and/or bone disease. Indeed this enzyme is implicated in a number of clinical conditions and triggers further investigations. Surprisingly, a low level tends to go unrecognised and under appreciated and yet it may be the consequence of many disorders. In this case, we report on a 54y old man who had a history of recurrent fractures and then foot pain and whose low ALP concentration led to the diagnosis of a genetic condition known as hypophosphatasia.

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Why is it important?

It is important to diagnose hypophosphatasia as it has considerable consequences and there is now treatment available for it in specific situations.


In this case report we describe how to investigate a low ALP concentration (known as hypophosphatasemia) and create awareness about the condition hypophosphatasia.

Dr Ravinder Sodi
Imperial College London

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A Man with Recurrent Fractures and Foot Pain, Clinical Chemistry, March 2018, AACC,
DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2017.275628.
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