What is it about?

Human-wildlife conflicts impose huge costs on local people and their livelihoods. Balancing developmental activities with the conservation of mega fauna such as the African and Asian elephants (Loxodonta Africana, Elephas maximus; respec- tively) remains problematic. Understanding the reasoning upon which perceived risks and level of human- elephant conflict laid is critical to address societal or cultural beliefs in order to develop effective mitigation strategies. The perceived risks and level of conflict have to be properly addressed for effective planning and implementation of appropriate mitigation strat- egies. We studied human- elephant interactions in Chebra Churchura National Park Ethio- pia (CCNP) from September 8 to October 28, 2022 and collected baseline data on human perceptions of conflicts in an area where elephant populations are increasing. To complete our study, we surveyed 800 household from 20 villages adjacent to the CCNP. The purpose of this investigation was to identify the relevance of the existing human-elephant conflict (HEC) with the attitude of local communities towards elephant conservation, the park man- agement and perceived effective mitigation techniques.

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Why is it important?

We provided important information that helps to understand the reasoning upon which perceived risks and level of human- elephant conflict laid is critical to address societal or cultural beliefs in order


his study has answered critical issue including the main challenges that the local communities face in the study area and community perceptions and the reasoning up on which perceived HEC andtheir attitude towards elephant and its conservation lay and vital to address societal or cultural beliefs in order to develop effective mitigation. Planning and implementation of conservation actions with full consideration of people’s perception, their expectations from mitigation activ- ities and the responsible body to implement activities explained by our sample may help effec- tive implementation through strong connection between conservation and human welfare. Future studies that assess the most effective means of including socioeconomic considerations into conservation planning are recommended.

Adane Tsegaye

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Local’s attitude towards African elephant conservation in and around Chebra Churchura National Park, Ethiopia, PLoS ONE, October 2023, PLOS,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292641.
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