What is it about?

This study investigates how quickly Corynebacterium, shows up in blood cultures to distinguish true infections from mere contamination. By measuring the time to positivity (TTP) in blood samples, the research aims to differentiate true bacteremia from contamination. The study found that true bacteremia cases showed a shorter TTP compared to contamination cases, providing a potential method to improve diagnosis accuracy.

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Why is it important?

Accurately identifying true bacteremia is crucial for patient care, especially in immunocompromised individuals or those with artificial devices. Misdiagnosing contamination as infection can lead to unnecessary antibiotic use, contributing to antibiotic resistance. This study's findings offer a practical approach to distinguish true infections, ensuring appropriate treatment and reducing the misuse of antibiotics. The specific TTP thresholds identified in this study could be a valuable tool for clinicians in making more informed decisions.


The challenge of differentiating true bacteremia from contamination has significant implications for patient care and antibiotic stewardship. This study not only contributes to the scientific community but also has the potential to impact real-world clinical practices.

MHS Naoki Watanabe
Hirosaki University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Time to positivity of Corynebacterium in blood culture: Characteristics and diagnostic performance, PLoS ONE, December 2022, PLOS,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278595.
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