What is it about?

We used computer simulations to study the the role of an enigmatic intracellular organelle for signal processing and propagation in neurons of the human brain - the "spine apparatus". The computer models are based on reconstructions of real human synapses.

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Why is it important?

The spine apparatus is expected to have a major impact on our ability to learn. However, its functions remain not well understood.


Through deepening our comprehension of brain plasticity and the function spine apparatus organelles play, we will make strides towards unlocking how the human mind operates; leading to possible treatments that enhance memory capacity and learning abilities.

Andreas Vlachos
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Calcium modeling of spine apparatus-containing human dendritic spines demonstrates an “all-or-nothing” communication switch between the spine head and dendrite, PLoS Computational Biology, April 2022, PLOS,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010069.
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