What is it about?

The COVID-19 pandemic, wildfires, and extreme weather have caused many problems worldwide. These issues show how important it is to have better ways to deal with emergencies. But how the leaders make decisions in these situations is not well understood. Most studies look at what the whole government is doing. They ignore minor details that actually make the decisions happen. The ability of a government to bring rapid policy change depends on the knowledge of policymakers and the way they communicate with each other. This study probes the ways to improve the ability of urban governments to bring effective changes to policies and practices.

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Why is it important?

The ability of cities to make big changes depends on the qualities of the people making the decisions and the groups they belong to. Cities are better at making big changes when different kinds of people are involved in making decisions. Having such diversity helps cities come up with new ideas and ways of doing things. The strength of relationships, especially how much people trust each other, might explain why some cities change a lot while others don't. Leaders who help everyone work together and build trust can change cities in a good way. It is important to figure out how key individuals who make small decisions in emergencies think and cooperate. To improve situations, we should ensure that policymakers have different experiences and backgrounds. People who assist others in collaborating and building trust can effect important changes, especially when different groups are involved. KEY TAKEAWAY: When different people are included and trust each other in city governments, they can handle new problems better. Having a diverse mix of different policymakers can lead to creative new policies. Also, leaders who encourage trust among everyone can make a positive difference. This research relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals: • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities • SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions • SDG 13: Climate Action • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The networked micro-decision context: a new lens on transformative urban governance, Urban Transformations, April 2023, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1186/s42854-023-00054-y.
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