What is it about?

As consequences of war, women and girls are the most likely segment of society to be impacted by violence. War also affects the critical facilities and makes the situation worse as victims cannot get the vital basic services. According to media and unpublished reports, Tigrayan women have been victimized by gang rape and sexual violence. Furthermore, there is substantive evidence of intentional destruction and vandalization of health facilities due to the one-year-old-armed conflict. This study aimed to explore experiences of rape survivors in areas hit by armed conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.

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Why is it important?

It provides a a clear picture about the nature of Rape in Tigray that destroyed not only the victims and survivors of rape and their families but also the whole society. The cruelty and dehumanizing manners speak more than just ordinary rape wrongly conceived as inevitable result of war that requires further independent investigations. It is timely due to the call for justice and accountability on the part of the victim society of Tigray.


It is one piece of work from the sea if crimes committed in Tigray by ENDF, EDF and Amhara forces in a systematic manner that it gives voice to the voiceless victims and the society at large. It also provide perspectives to investigate crimes of rape committed else where in the world.

Dr Muauz Gidey Alemu
Tigray Institute of Policy Studies

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Rape survivors’ experience in Tigray: a qualitative study, BMC Women s Health, July 2023, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1186/s12905-023-02502-0.
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