What is it about?
Left main acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is serious condition in ACS patients because left ventricular damage caused by extensive myocardial damage. The purpose of the present study is to clarify of prognostic ECG changes to predict in-hospital outcome in LM-ACS.
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Why is it important?
Characteristics of ECG changes should be considered to predict prognosis in LM-ACS, because the results suggest GRACE score without ECG characteristics may be insufficiency in patients with LM-ACS. Our results may create new prognostic score in patients with LM-ACS.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Electrocardiographic characteristics associated with in-hospital outcome in patients with left main acute coronary syndrome: For contriving a new risk stratification score, European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care, December 2016, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/2048872616683524.
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The 12 lead ECG rules the waves in acute cardiovascular care
Issue @ a Glance: The 12 lead ECG rules the waves in acute cardiovascular care
The 12 lead ECG rules the waves in acute cardiovascular care
Issue @ a Glance; The 12 lead ECG rules the waves in acute cardiovascular care. Christiaan J.M. Vrints, FESC FACC First Published April 17, 2018; pp. 197–199
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