What is it about?
The debate between LDL-cholesterol level and pleiotropic effect of statin to produce better outcome has been repeated issue. Recent publication about the non-statin effect on cardiovascular outcome (especially on stroke) produced new need to discuss the issue again. In this study, we analyzed the RCTs regarding lipid-lowering therapy for stroke prevention and found that achieved LDL-cholesterol level is important determinant for stroke prevention regardless the type of lipid-lowering therapy.
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Why is it important?
LDL-cholesterol level is the most intuitive and easily accessible target for lipid-lowering therapy. Considering that the current guidelines are debating about the target for lipid-lowering therapy, the result of this study can provide important hint for this issue.
Future studies are requested to provide several unsolved problems. First, is there any difference between statin and non-statin lipid-lowering therapy in terms of pleiotropic effect? Second, what is the optimal target level for stroke prevention? Third, should we consider combination therapy for lipide-lowering therapy?
Woo-Keun Seo
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Achieved low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level and stroke risk: A meta-analysis of 23 randomised trials, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, February 2019, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/2047487319830503.
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