What is it about?
Proving the resurrection of the body after death is one of the most challenging issues for philosophers as Avicenna admitted. In this article Badi al-Zaman Said al-Nursi's was able to prove it by logic deducing the proofs from the holy Qur'an and from the names of God, and from the universe singes by applying thematic exegesis. The article arrived at a conclusion which asserts the easy way followed by al-Nursi to prove the resurrection of the body through logic and this definitely will strengthen the belief in the Day of Judgement for all the Abrahamic religions followers and to disprove those who deny it .
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Why is it important?
Today we are faced with atheism which is based on science as it is claimed, as believers in God, we need to use science and logic to prove the resurrection of the body in the Day of Judgement, therefore, it is important for all who beleive in the Day of judgement to read the views of Badi al-Zaman Said al-Nursi on this issue.
The writings of Baduzzaman Saeed Nursi are influnetial, deep, and intellectual. It dives into the mind, heart and soal of humans. He drives from the holy Quran thousand os signs about God's greatness, eternal ability and mecry.
Prof Abdallah Abdulrahman Elkhatib
Qatar University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Badīʿ al-Zamān Saʿīd al-Nūrsī’s Methodological Approach in Thematic Qurʾānic Exegesis: the Case of Resurrecting the Body, Al-Bayan Journal of Qur’an and Hadith Studies, December 2019, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/22321969-12340073.
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