What is it about?

Popularity of cannabis-infused products has bloomed since legalization for recreational use of marijuana started. Consumption of cannabis edibles has steadily increased, as restrictions on recreational cannabis smoking have become tighter. This phenomenon enhanced the possibility of these products crossing the state line. The most psychoactive component of cannabis, ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is infused in “edibles” and linked to physiological and psychological effects. Consumers unfamiliar with these edibles may mistake them for non-THC containing products, causing unintended use or overconsumption. In addition, these cannabis-infused edibles are posing significant health risks. The FDA has recognized the potential dangers and recommended that cannabis remain as a Schedule I substance and illegal at the federal level. However, states maintain control of determining the legality of cannabis related products, and creating guidelines distinguishing cannabis edibles from the non-cannabis containing products. Recently, the State of Maine offers a blueprint for edible regulation that should be implemented in all states that are considering or have legalized marijuana.

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Why is it important?

We highlighted how cannabis edibles effect public safety. The FDA currently expresses concerns on safety of cannabis use, but public support for federal legalization of marijuana continues to grow. The federal government has empowered states to create their own legislation on this matter, and ensure the welfare of the consumer responsibility so marijuana-infused edibles do not jeopardize the safety of its residents. Regulatory controls that address safety concerns with drugs are important in modern culture. We believe that the State of Maine can be utilized as a model for other states to emulate in ensuring public health and safety.


This is my first published work, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the co-authors on this important topic. I hope this thought-provoking article highlights the unexpected consequences from the proliferation of edibles. In addition, I hope the article highlights the need for consumer responsibility of marijuana-infused edibles to maintain the safety of our communities.

Alain Peralt
Oklahoma State University Stillwater

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Impact of cannabis‐infused edibles on public safety and regulation, Journal of Forensic Sciences, September 2022, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.15135.
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