What is it about?

It shows how the process of union growth and stabilisation took place in the platform labour sector in Spain, driven by the arrival of Uber in the country. In the Spanish platform work model for the passenger transport sector has important peculiarities. The legal framework allowed intermediary companies to manage their workforce to make it available to the platforms. However, mechanisms have been introduced to limit the protective effects of labour legislation as much as possible. The Results section is divided into several subsections and exposing them in this manner facilitates the understanding and analysis of the phases through which the different strategies developed by Spanish unions with a presence in the sector went through

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Why is it important?

This study is the first in Spain, where platform work in passenger transport includes the employment relationship as a legal contracting mechanism. Another particularly important aspect is the number of interviews conducted with workers and trade unionists to address the objectives of the work, as well as the depth of the fieldwork.


We found that relational employment does not solve all the problems of platform work, particularly those related to algorithmic control, but relational employment does have advantages, such as the right to representation. Employees have an important role to play in union strategies because they offer a more comprehensive view of the new digital workplace than unions alone can achieve.

Víctor Riesgo Gómez
Universidad de Salamanca

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Worker resistance strategies and union action in platform work: the case of Uber in Spain, Employee Relations, January 2023, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/er-11-2021-0510.
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