What is it about?

This publication provides analysis on the calculations on the normal L2,3 x-ray absorption spectra and the L2,3 3d2p partial-fluorescence yield-detected x-ray absorption spectra for the 3d-transition metal series. The ratio between the L3 and L2 intensity is different for the normal and the partial-fluorescence yield detected x-ray absorption spectra. The calculations show that the differences derive mainly from the 2p3d exchange interaction Gpd.

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Why is it important?

Contrary to other publications that link the lower L3 intensity in partial-fluorescence yield-detected spectra to charge transfer or electron delocalization, this paper shows that this is just an optical effect that depends strongly on the order of the 2p5 3dn+1 excited states. This order is determined by the 2p3d exchange interaction Gpd, which in a simple explanation enforces the Hund's rules to these 2p5 3dn+1 excited states.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: State-dependent fluorescence yields through the core-valence Coulomb exchange parameter, Physical Review A, May 2014, American Physical Society (APS),
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.89.052507.
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